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And found this forum, on the 3rd October 2003 my son Jayden was born, on the 2nd feb 2013 he died, never did I imagine he wouldn't be here today for his 10th birthday, ..... :( my life was torn apart never again will I be happy,

I was at work when on that Saturday about 3pm I got the phonecall from his dad to say that Jayden had been hit by a car and that I should go there and that a ambulance had been called, no mor information was given to me, I got in my boss's car and she drovetowards the local hospital, so while she was driving I phoned the hospital and asked them where. I should go, they said they had no knowledge of any such accident, so, I drove towards my house when I came across a road closure and police everywhere, ignoring the police and everyone we carried on driving, when I got to the scene I saw my son lying there on the crossing by my house they were desperately trying to bring him back nothing worked, they stopped trying after 50 mins, I always thought the crossing would keep him safe as he only crosses when the light is red to traffic, in fact the light was red to cars and one car had stopped when Jayden started to cross and the stopped car was overtaken by an

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. I lost my 5 year old daughter to a drowning accident so I know what it's like to suddenly have your life change in an instant. There are lots of people on this forum who understand so please post in the Loss of an Adult Child forum. Don't let the name scare you away. All are welcome there. I'm sorry nobody responded until now. People do care.

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I too came upon my sons crash and saw him on the side of the road, surrounded by parametics. I could hear the flight-for-life helicopter overhead trying to land.

Brian never did make it into the helicopter, he died on the side of the road.

That was on 6-19-2008.

You have come to the right place. There are many people here who have also lost children, any age, any reason.

I do not post much, mostly read. But I could relate to your loss.

I also want to let you know that you will not feel this searing pain forever. The physical pain involved with this level of grief is overwhelming. I do know that.

Right now, just be kind to yourself. Drink plent of water and try to eat and sleep if you can.

Also, we want to hear about your son. We will listen.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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