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1st anniversary of Mum's sudden death in accident


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Hi Tricia_TD, Perhaps you can go to a spiritual service or ceremony, arrange to have dinner or a meal with a friend, be with other family members, or do something you feel comfortable doing. People commemorate the anniversary of their loss in unique and individual ways. Lots of people sit at home and cry, while others choose that day to do something different in honor of their loved one. What have you thought about doing? --ModKonnie

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I've thought of trying to sleep the day away, of crying the day away, and not much else. We're not at all religious or spiritual and there's no family close by. Mum's ashes were scattered on the beach, so I suppose I could go there.

Thanks for replying Konnie.

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Hi Tricia,

I know first hand hand how difficult it can be and is, as I lost both my parents within a week of each other six years ago.

I find that writing helps me, poetry, keeping a journal etc.

I wish you strength to go one day, one hour, one minute at a time.


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Tricia_TD, On my father's first anniversary, I listened to sad music and sat in my closet for awhile and cried. I relived each moment of that last few weeks of his life, but I made it through. Have you thought about creating a memorial for her--perhaps on something like Pinterest (www.Pinterest.com)? Maybe start a collage of pictures of her (if it's not too painful). Whatever you decide--we will be thinking of you. ModKonnie

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