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Lost my father one week ago today


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Losing my father has been the hardest thing to go through. Though he was 87 and we knew it was coming, I still can't believe he is gone. Dad and I used to talk on the phone 4 and 5 times a day. I called him every morning at 8:10. He would call me throughout the day to tell me things. I am so lost without him. His burial was on Saturday. Ever since then, I have been unable to do much of anything except sleep. He is on my mind constantly. I miss him so very much.

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BernieM, I am very sorry about your loss of your father. At this time, go ahead and cry all you want or do what you need to do to get through a little at a time. When my father died, I walked around in a foggy disbelief, and everything felt so surreal. It does get better, but it will take some time. Please feel free to post your father's story. We'd love to hear all about him. And, it doesn't matter how old or young a father is--it's heartbreaking and horrible to deal with. We will be here for you--ModKonnie P.S.--Are you talking to anyone? Do you have family members or friends to lean on for support?

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Hi Bernie,

They say it's the normal way of things, don't they? Parents go before the children. But it doesn't make it any easier when they do go. Your Dad has been there all your life, and now he's gone. It is so hard to come to terms with.

I'll never forget the day my Dad passed away. It's all so clear and vivid in my mind, even after five years. But the burning pain has gone now. Talking about him, remembering the happy times and accepting the sometimes bad times, looking at photos; they all helped me come to terms with the loss.

Another cliché is that 'time heals', and it does. You suddenly realise that you're not hurting so much when you think about him. You'll get there Bernie, just give yourself time to grieve.

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