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Loss of an Adult Child


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Your post was very touching and so very true.

To at work we are having Jersey day, so there are a few Red Sox jerseys. So guess who I thought about first thing this morning? Your Mike and I just smile each time I see anything RedSox's or Red VW, I think of your Mike then I think of you! I'm so glad you are feeling better.

Love the picture of your Daughter!

Sonya (Danielle's Mom)

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Carol, I agree with Sonya...   TOTALLY LOVE your post!!

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"Please don't stop living because I died" ........

Carol, every time I've read your son's words I'm touched. And it's at a time when I need to hear them.


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     Happy  Birthday  Joey ! !

      (sorry I am a day late, Claudia. May his love always shine down on you.


    JanJan,  Am sorry you are having a tough time right now. The time

    leading up to that first Angel Day for your dear son is exceedingly difficult. My are for you and your family. Peace be with you.

              Daveysmom,  Sherry







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Great photo of Mike's dear sister Cathy. Your love for Damon shines

through in everything you say about him, and for his daddy Mike.  We

do not have any grandchild of Davey's.  He died single, no children.  Our

family name died with him. However, we have our daughter's two little

boys to love & spoil, so we are blessed.  Peace & love to you.

                                    Daveysmom,   Sherry

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Lana, good advice for JanJan, you are heading for that first date too, and I am thinking both of you and Jan at this surrealistic time. I think a key phrase you used here Lana, is able to share my life with others...I think that being able to do this is a big help in facing each day, and enjoying whatever we can. Jan Jan, may you know that while alone on your particular journey, we are on the same trail, have walked in similar footsteps, and we know how heavy your heart feels. Understand that on your worst days, you will not always feel as you are now. As everyone here has expressed, come here often, let yourself grieve, and don't forget to take steps to taking care of your physical health. It does matter, for those living and to your beloved Son. Imagine what he wants for you.

Carol, so good to see your beautiful words, glad to see you are out there again. Feeling better I presume? I sure hope so.

Sonya, good to see you as well, have missed you. What is new in your world?

I hope tomorrow's sunrise brings gentle gifts to us all.


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Carol - great picture....that familiar smile.  Sure Mike is watching down...yep the sister getting older never ceases to get a giggle from the brother does it..

Reality check for me today..... Melissa posted on Mikes memorial this week........broke my heart....... I see or speak to my kids at least once a week I seem to have missed so many things...... they walk on egg shells when speaking about Mike for fear I will be lost as I have been before........How do you let them know its okay to share their thoughts and feelings .....


Mike, Melissa's is working hard at being strong..being a mum, a sister and a daughter and now the eldest.  Wrap her in your energy, she needs to know you're around her.....check her msg on your memorial.......Steve is trying to stay strong for his family.  Kelly has had her cornea transplant, I know he held his breath waiting to hear she was okay.  Jeya and Zak need him in the next weeks as she recovers....it really is more responsibility than he has ever had (he has grown so much in the past 20 months)........Let him see some light and strength, .....Love you my son.......:cool:

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Trudi, I know what you mean.  Patrick posted a simply stated greeting on Joey's memorial site for the passing birthday.  I am most moved to tears when I see his post and those of Joey's closest friends...

I spent some time reading some of your posts to your son..  my heart breaks for you, Trudi.  You carry so much pain still for the things you wish you would have done but didn't or couldn't...    Don't we all at times?  I know we lean on different strengths, but I just wanted to say from my whole heart to yours that wherever Michael is today, he has a "knowing" that encompasses every little hope, wish and desire that you had for his life.  He knows your love fully and uncorrupt.  There are no gaps now.  There are no clashes of personality and misunderstandings.  He understands everything more fully now than you and I can even begin to imagine.  Carry no more burdens of this kind, my friend.  Know that though there is a void that we feel in our hearts with our boys gone, there is also a complete fullness in "knowing" that they have now that has forever erased all of the questions, hurts, gaps, and confusions of their lives spent here with us.  Spend no more time sorrowing over those things, Dear Trudi.  Let Michael's "knowing" and his completed love come full circle to envelope you and heal your broken heart.......

Love, Claudia

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Veronica's birthday is sixteen hours away.  She would have been 30.  What a celebration, what a party I had planned for her last year, how happy she was to hear all the details.  At this time 30 years ago, I was about to be admitted to the hospital to be induced.  Veronica was late and too comfortable inside me to come out into this world.  She was born at 3:00 a.m. on August 10th, 8 pounds 12 oz., but a short 19 1/2 inches.  I remember when they placed her on my chest, her eyes were open and we both stared deeply, all the way into our souls.  We fell in love and were hooked on each other from that day on.  The nurses told me she was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen.  When my mother-in-law peeked in the nursery window not knowing which of the babies was Veronica, she looked at her and said "I hope that one is mine".  She was and still is. 

Plans for tomorrow are still sort of vague.  We have a mass scheduled for her at 6 and then to the cemetary.  I have yet to order the balloons or pick up flowers.  I think my inner-self is resisting, still not having come to term with Veronica being gone.  And the weather will be so perfect for a garden party tomorrow, what a party it would have been....  D.

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Praying for you, D...  Sending love and hugs, and praying you through a day of bittersweet memories of joy through a broken heart.  Love, Claudia

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Just  happened.  Unbelievable timing.  As I was sadly curled up on my couch deciding when to go grocery shopping or at least get going, the door bell rang.  A beautiful bouquet of flowers was delivered to us to remember Veronica.  It is just beautiful.  Good friends wanted to remember and celebrate.  Or perhaps it was her through my friends that wanted to cheer me up...  I love you, baby.  D.

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just wanted to let everyone know i thank god for beyond indigo. i may not post often. but i do read the post. i tryed to wrap my self in my work but all that did was cause me to have a pannic att. was in hospital. i am better for now. my thoughts are with all that are on this path. to everyone please take care.remember our loved ones are watching over us. i do believe my son (josh) and his son (bradan)was with me.i lost 4 hours that day. i have no clue what happened in that time laps. i have set and tryed to remember what happen just before the pannic att. but just dont remember. thanks  again for being here.   mommabert

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D, How beautiful!  :D

Mommabert, so glad you are at least finding energy to read and feel blessed and encouraged by the posts here.  I'm thankful you are feeling better.  I'll be praying for you...  Hugs, Claudia

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D -

May the spirit of this child, your child, that lives so deeply within your soul, bring you comfort.


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mommabert, It's good to see you posting again!  Panice attacks can be frightening and it sounds like you had a pretty bad one.  It would be nice if "sinking" ourselves into something would "make it all better" ...... it just doesn't. And we all find out in different ways.

Please take good care and let us hear from you.

Jason'sMom, Bonnie

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I am so sorry that you are feeling this way, I know that posting today means you have a bit of energy, and that is something to build on. I pray that you will feel a bit more settled each day, and find withing a short time, that you are able to step into the stream of things again. My heart to you.


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sin't it heart-warming to know that others are thinking of you on such a special day? I am happy that flowers arrived and to be sure, your Veronica is smiling as well. On such a wonderful day, her day, may you feel the blessed love from your Girl. She will always call you Mom.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERONICA, Bless your Momma with a sign of your peace.


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Mommabert:  I too am glad to see you posting again...and hopefully you will continue to feel better and experience some renewed energy.  Please come back and be with us.

D:  I am so happy for your flower arrival...the sweetness of your precious daughter is in every bloom!  Happy Birthday Veronica, be with your mom on this precious day of wonderful memories of your birth.

love and peace,

carol  mikesmomrs

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  May the love your have for sweet Veronica, and her love for you give you

strength and comfort. May her little white soul be with you now & forever.



  I'm sorry about the panic attack and being in the hospital. Those things

 can be just overwhelming when they hit with the force of a tremendous

 storm to sweep us away.  I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now.  Please

 return to BI whenever you feel the need.  Peace be with you.


                                Daveysmom,   Sherry  

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I love the image of her little white soul. The perfection in white, the pureness of her peaceful spirit. May all of our children be joined in this.

My heart,


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Claudia - dear friend.  Thank you so much for your heartfelt words.  I know Mike and I had our tumultous times in the last months, but the depth of unconditional love was always a given.

To be part of the 'team' that day, to lose him, and then to lose contact with his baby girl takes just that little bit longer to recover from.  Many things I could have done differently.  But it is what it is.  Being here with the light and support has gone along way in 'bringing me back'. 

Newsflash - start part time work in local cafe this week......its a beginning.

Oh yeah - Weather - Its snowing around our town!!! Poor daffodils and snow drops thought it was closer to Spring.

The msg on the memorials - they do tug at the heart strings.  A few months ago Emily wrote to Mike.  It was under her bed.  She wanted to know 'did it hurt when you died' - 'are you okay now' - 'does your heart work without the pacemaker'? My daughter rang and asked what she should say........We agreed to be honest......"everything works now, no pain, surrounded by lots of light".  

Mammaberts - Panic attacks - sux!  Glad to see you come and read....posting when you can....it really is the best place.

D - brightness in your day......Brilliant.  Happy Birthday VERONICA:dude:



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[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VERONICA!!!!!![/align]

I had promised you a garden party, but you are celebrating even better: with ANGELS today!  Just know that we never stop thinking about you and tonight I'll be looking up in the sky and I'll know the brightest star will be you.

I love you, Woki!   Mom


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Happy Birthday Veronica!! 

Thrity years ago today you rode into the world on Angels wings.  Again on angels' wings, surround your mama with your precious essence today.  She misses you so much...

Love, 4everJoeysMom

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Happy Belated Birthday Veronica!!!!!!


So glad you are starting a part-time job. I hope you enjoy the work.


I've been so busy with life here lately. My son James leaves for college on Friday and my grandfather passed away 2 weeks ago so I'm trying to help my mother and grandmother a little anyway.

Love and prayers!


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A Happy Belated birthday to Veronica too!!!! :)

I know this one was really tough...since you had planned a big celebration when she turned 30.  I hope your day was spent in peace with wonderful happy memories of your precious girl Veronica.  I hope to see you later in the month...this one I can make.  But if you want to do coffee or lunch drop me a email. Sue

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Thank you, dear friends, for remembering Veronica's birthday.  It was a very tough day.  I have often heard that sometimes there is more apprehension with the anticipation of a special date than the date itself.  Not for me.  It was as tough as I had imagined.  Two very tough days this weekend.  I had to take a few "happy pills" because my tears would just not stop.  I have to be strong for so many, that it simply would have been devastating for my family to see me so distraught.  I cried alone in many corners.  We went to mass and then to the cemetary with our arms loaded with flowers.  How I wish I could have done more... 

Sue--I will definitely be there on th 26th, I always look forward to this support group.  Maybe with can organize something then, perhaps Terri could join us too.

Thank you all again, D.


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So sorry to hear of your grandfather's passing over. May he rest in peace.



Thanks for your kind words. I like to think of ALL our children that have

passed on as "little white souls".  A minister told me that in comforting me

after the death of my 6 mo. old baby girl many years ago.  The phrase

stuck with me.  So, I say.............God bless all of our beloved children's

Little  White Souls, and may they always warm our hearts.


                                         Daveysmom,     Sherry

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To Everyone,

I sit here and the half moon shines earlier and earlier as we lose daylight. THe cicadas are singing, the evenings are colling a bit and we are edging closer toward school starting. I spend most of my days now unpacking boxes adn setting up the room. It is exciting and it is also nervous making. I have so enjoyed spending more time here than I had in the past, and the summer afforded this. I will keep up but will be unable to hang out as long, so I will miss this freedom to hang out.

Tonight is supposed to be a big night for shooting stars, however in this area, too much light will prevent much from being viewed...so those of you in more rural areas, take a look see and make plenty of wishes.

I love you each,


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I like the thought of wishing on shooting stars ........ but, my wish would never come true. :(

I hope you find time to visit often. Your words mean so much to so many here.

Jason'sMom, Bonnie

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Hi Bonnie,

how have you been? I know that our ultimate wish cannot be fullfilled, and I so wish I could make those wishes possible. :?

I will try to visit this site each day when I have a break at school, and maybe again in the evening when I get some time. Thank you for your kind words, I do feel a part of this group, and I am stronger and touched deeply by my time with all of you,

I am a disorganized teacher, not one who has it all together, my desk is clean on the first day of school, from then on...not so much. I have to watch out and not sign up for too many extra commitees this year, I felt over-worked and exhuasted last year.

I saw some of my old students today as they were leaving summer school, and my heart skipped a beat, not having seen them since June10. I love them, each year a new group and I always love them. I am a lucky person to work with children, they feed my spirit while I feed thiers. I remember thinking after Eri died, that I could never teach again, that I would not be able to love the kids, but I was wrong, and I was so happy to be wrong. Each day is a new discovery both for the kids and for me.

So if you wish on stars tonight, any night, maybe you can wish to wake up feeling a new day awaits, with new possibilities.

Peace to you,


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double post in error...

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Dee:  We are still waiting to dry out here in the northeast, as the rain washes away yet another day of the warm sunny summer we are missing out on, so we won't get to view any falling stars tonight.  I usually love a soft summer rain, and even a drenching thunderstorm now and then, but I honestly can say I've had enough this summer to last a while.  I know, "be careful what you wish for" my mom always used to say, and I know we've had times of dry summers when we wondered if it would ever rain again, but this year, we've had too, too much, with some counties further north dealing with flooding in their homes and roads being washed out.  So, for now, my wish would be that they get some relief to clean up their homes and put their lives back together. 

I am so glad that you were able to find joy in teaching again...the students would miss out on a wonderful opportunity to have a terrific teacher, even if you aren't organized... and I am sure that Eri is very proud of you and what you do...We will miss your being here as much, with your sweet writings and encouragement to each of us, but will be content with the short time you are able to stop by and be here. 

Sonya, thank you for telling me of your thinking of Mike whenever you see a Red Sox item or a red punch buggy...it brought a smile to my face.  I am off to Fenway Park tomorrow for a game, with my daughter Cathi.  I know that Mike will be with us.  On Sunday, we will all go, as we did last year, to celebrate his birthday, as he requested.  We have a lot of fun there, and his spirit is sitting right there, with us.  Last year, just as Cathi was arriving at her seat, a newly recruited Red Sox fan--something Mike had long worked on her to become, they started playing Weezer's "Island in the Sun"...the background in the song is "hip,hip" and whenever Mike and Cathi used to meet, they would high five each other and sing "hip,hip" from that song.  I met the music director a couple of weeks later, and when I told her of that incident with the song she said "Oh my gosh, I remember playing that song!  I didn't even know why I played it, I've never played it before!"  Now she knew. 

Mike's birthday isn't actually until Wednesday, and on that day we will send off balloons with messages, and visit his favorite hiking area.  We are thinking of putting some of his ashes in the waterfall located there...his very favorite place to be.  What with being sick pretty much the whole month of July, I haven't been able to "dwell" on the fact that it's coming up on his birthday, and now, here it is, staring at me, without him, again.  How can it be "again?"  We wonder how we survive this "greatest loss" and yet we do, we somehow do. 

A picture of the jumbotron sign at Fenway last year, for Mike's birthday.

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I want to say im sorry for your loss and the letter you wrote was beautifull ,I cried the entire time it took to read.thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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Thank you so much. I'm sure my grandfather is up in heaven with all of our children telling them about all of us knowing and talking with each other. I asked him shortly before he passed if he would give Danielle a big hug for me and let her know that I'm trying to be strong and carry on.


Good luck going back to school. How very lucky for your students to have such a wonderful teacher.


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Hello to all - it has been a while since I have been here and am going crazy not being able to share - my computer finally crashed so I have nothing - ordered new one should be here this week!!!   I can't even get on to the site with my normal password and user name - having to use a temporary for now until new computer.

I am at work so this will be short - wanted to say I am sorry for the birthdays I have missed and all the other news - it is so diffacult to not be on here and then you come back and it seems as though so much has went on that you missed.

Anyway - all is well (as much as it can be) and Tavian is growing and loving the summer. I miss you all so much, the strength and wisdom I rely on so much is such a loss for me every day - I am slipping without you all so Mr. Postman had better hurry with that computer!!!


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So sorry about your Grandpa. You know he is with Danielle-taking care and loving her.



Love the little white souls, too.



I felt the same way about going back to teaching last year and some doubts this year but those kids saved my life last year. I teach Kindergarten and their love is so unconditional and free flowing it is my best therapy(besides everyone here). You would have to be such a loving teacher-all that you give here to all of us. What lucky kids. 


Mikesmom-LOVE the sign at fenway. Mike was SURELY smiling from ear to ear with that one! What a wonderful way to remember him on his birthday-the people he loved doing something he loved. How great. I think spreading his ashes where he loved to be is so beautiful, too.


Happy belated birthday Veronica! Sorry so late.

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Brian's baby called me at work yesterday.She was crying.I asked what was wrong? She said " I miss Daddy" then she said she found this cartoon online.I've gotten to where I can do pretty well most days but God when she hurts I want so bad to take that from her. Here's the site.


One step forward 1/2 step back.

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Greg,  The "cartoon" was so touching. My heart just filled.  It has to be hard to receive that phone call from your precious "Brian's baby".  There was a song in the video, "I'll Stand by You".  She must know that of you.  She knew just who to call to talk about missing Daddy. 

Jason'sMom, Bonnie

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It is easy for me to stay home, hide from the world and not try to return to my life.  I have not worked for 20 months.  My chosen profession no longer open to me, I felt as I did when I lost  Mike that there was nothing left.....

But today I reentered the workforce.  Its a traineeship in customer service.  Its like nothing else I have ever done, yet it seems to feel right.  I speak about my son as though he has never left, and that too seems right.  

Maybe, the time has come where the pain and hurt have  taken its place, for the memories to hold me not destroy me.  :cool:

Greg, its true, you hear the hurt in her voice and you so much want to make it better.  I think the you are doing the best thing, listening to her and being there when she needs.....just as her daddy would have.

Hey Kathy - check the mail box, might be more than a computer!

Hey Mike, it isn't 'do you want fries with that, but hey it works for me"  Love ya - Mum

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Thank you so much! Good luck this year in school. You have a very special job. I could not do it. My daughter Mattie was in Kindergarten last year and when I went to the class or on class trips the patiences you teachers must have not only for the students but us parents as well. You are a God sent to your students. And they will always remember their first teacher!!


I'm glad you liked your job and I pray that continues and you continue to talk about Mike and all your memories with your co-workers and family

Sonya (Danielle's Mom)

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Trudi - thanks but not just the mail - had it looked at and it is ready to throw out the window - all is ok though - ordered a Dell with a camcorder and microphone so I can see my freinds and family when on line!! Should be here on Monday.

At work so will post again as soon as I can.

Greg - I feel your pain when you grandaughter says she misses her dad! It shatters your broken heart all over again as you just want to make it all better for them. I can hear how much you love her and it is quite clear how much she looks to you for guidance and you are terrific - we have to be strong for those little ones no matter how much we are suffering ourselves. God Bless you.

Love and Peace to all - Kathy

Love to all

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Carol, looks like some folks are a week early this Wednesday wth wishing birthday greetings to Mike.  But when I was younger, my friends and I used to celebrate each other's birthdays for one whole week.  So let's start today since others are getting the party started, and we'll close next Wednesday, on the 20th, with a wishes and dreams send off.  HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!  Love, Claudia

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LOVE the jumbotron picture!  What a neat way to celebrate Mike's life!  You have a tough week coming up.  It's difficult to celebrate with a broken heart and no physical presence to hug or blow out the candles. We'll be thinking of you ............. and "Big Mike".

Jason'sMom, Bonnie

(I'm so sorry I mixed the names up! Please forgive!)

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There is so much confusion here today... I'm having trouble keeping up..LOL :)  Trudi is being called Trish.  Mike's birthday is August 20th, and he is Carol's Mike...  I bet the kids are smiling about it all!!  One thing is for certain.  They are all thought about in a very BIG way..  something important in the hearts of us all...

Greg, I saw the cartoon..  I'm so glad Brian's Baby Girl has YOU to come to with her boo-boos.  You're a gentle soul...

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On July 9, 2008 my son Keith at the age of 21 passed, it is 5 weeks today and I can't believe it. Keith had medical problems for over a year, he could not get into a neorsurgent until Sept. On July 8 Keith was staying over a friends house, Keith didn't call me in the morning like he said he would, so I waited and I called and his friend said he was sleeping so I told him to wake him and he said, you better get here Keith is not breathing when I got there they told me he had passed away. I'm his Mom I should have been there, the thought that he died alone really bothers me. I have been there for him always, we got along so good. He even told me Iwas his best friend. Now I feel like I'm living in a nightmare, he is my only child and I feel like I have a big hole in my heart. I have read other peoples post and I hope things will get better for me. I willing to take some advice.

thank you,


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angel52727 - I am so sorry for your loss.  Keith is so young, his leaving so unexpected.  It is every mothers nightmare.  You are with many here who will know your story, who have been where you are.  It is still such early days for you.  Your mind is in a million places at once and none of it makes sense.

Best I can offer is to allow yourself time, having said that there is no 'designated' time limit on this journey.  Come here as often as you want or need, there is always someone here who understands.  My son died 20 months ago.  He was found by his partner in the early hours, unconscious not breathing.  I am still at times haunted by thoughts that I should have been there, done more........

Be kind to yourself.  If you need speak to a counsellor or someone that 'gets where you are'.  Thoughts and prayers are with you......to lose a child is the greatest loss.

Take Care - Trudi.

To all - Yes it is confusing.  There are many mothers of Mikes here at BI.  Popular name, good looking lads!!

Carol - Mikesmom - Has a strapping young man, with a perchance for red punch buggies and a love of the REDSOX - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!

Trudi (that would be me) Mikesmum (from the land downunder) hence the spelling of Mum. - Both boys were 31 when they graduated to 'wings'.  Both have children left behind. 

I can hear them all having a laugh at the confusion!  And yes, I will continue to speak of my handsome young man.  It's not as painful as it once was.  The new job starts Saturday........I can honestly say I am looking forward to breaking out of my self imposed prison.

Kathy - Woooo Hoooo new computer.....technical stuff......Can't wait to hear from you!!

:dude:  Wish the hat was red in honour of the RED SOXS fan!!!



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Angel-Keith's Mom,  I am so very saddened and sorry for your tragic loss of Keith.  I'm so sorry that you've had to join us, because that means only one thing, that another parent has begun this very sad and painful journey.  Advice?  In the early days it's so hard.  And there's very little anyone can actually say or do to lift the pain a bit.  Shock has set in, and you likely have yet to begin opening up to the reality, other than just knowing right now that Keith is not there with you...  I think for most of us in th every early stages, we felt some comfort in knowing that we are not alone, that we are not losing our minds, thought it often seems we are, and that someone else out here truly understands every moment of what you are going through.  You may have energy to post for a while, and then you may just want to read.  This will all likely get much harder for you before the pain softens.  But please don't be discouraged by that--we all went through and still do at times go trhough very touch times.  It helps to have others here to lean on at times, and then to comfort another at other times.  What should be somewhat of an encouragement to you is seeing us all here SURVIVING.  We all have our ways of getting through, but we are walking through the painful journey knowing that we are not alone.  And for many of us, we do catch glimpses of happy moments, when at times we wondered if we ever would agan.  There are so many stages and levels of grieving after losing a child.  The only comfort I can offer in this moment is to say that there will be "others who know" here for you...   BIG HUGS, Claudia (Joey's Mom)

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