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Loss of a precious other mother


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Hi, I recently (12/21/12) lost someone very special. She was like another mother to me. I spent the last two weeks of her life by her bedside as she slowly faded, getting weaker and weaker, taking in less and less liquids... Its so hard. My other mother's name was Cindy. She helped me thru some very hard times in my life and helped countless others. Cindy was diagnosed a year ago with Pancreatic cancer. Over the course of the year she tried two types of chemo, neither of which helped at all and both of which made her so ill she couldn't function. About a month or so ago, she began declining fast. It was heartbreaking to watch. And even more heartbreaking is watching her partner, who is even closer to me and very much more my mother than my blood mother, watch her die. Kim, my other mother... I don't know how to cope with this. All I can do is support Kim, who must live on now, without Cindy. We bonded very closely during these last weeks and the reality of the loss of Cindy has not fully set in. I apologize for how scattered this is. I've not spoken to anyone about this yet. I just need some help coping...

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I am so very sorry about the loss of your other mother. It is so difficult to watch someone pass like this (I watched my dad and my mother-in-law suffer before they passed).

You can be there for Kim by simply allowing her to talk and to talk with her. Share your stories of Cindy, and share what you are feeling about the whole ordeal of her cancer. Talk with others, and consider perhaps some professional grief counseling a self help grief group in your area.

Hospice http://www.hospicefoundation.org/ has a great website full of information for grieving. It may offer you some additional advice.

We will be here for you, and if Kim wants to reach out and post, we will be here for her, too.


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