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Fear of lossing our daughter


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When our daughter Sophia was born in October 2012 we were told that she had a little something in her heart. Chuck was very optimistic and told me not to worry that our daughter would be fine and that whatever it was we would face it together and get her thru this. He said Hun I will give my life for our daughter to live a full healthy life. Little did we know that three weeks after her birth he would pass. Now her appointment with the cardiologist is December 5th exactly one month after he passed away. I'm extremely afraid that our baby girl is sick! I can't even come close to describing my fear of loosing my baby!

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My oldest daughter was born with a hole in her heart, called VSD. The first few years of her life were scary ones for me. When she cried, she would go a dark purpley color, and sometimes she would gasp for breath..and terrified me!

I took her to a cardiologist. He monittored her carefully. I had to watch over her, and it took a little extra care, but gradually, over time, she improved, and by the time she was 6, she was perfectly healthy, and is just fine today, a beautiful and talented police officer, all grown up, and very athletic and strong.

Don't be too afraid. Listen to what the doctors tell you, and just love her, and be hopeful. I'll say a prayer for you.

BTW.. her "real" dad left us a few days after we heard about her heart, and didn't come back for a very long time. So, I was alone through the scariest part of all of it. You can do it, even if you are afraid. Believe in yourself, and take care of you both.

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Thank you all for your prayers they are very much appreciated. Silver the same thin happens to my little girl it's scary and I guess that with my grief of loosing her dad just makes it too much specially because we belief he passed because of a heart attack just scary I'm sure you can relate and understand. But again thank you so much for the prayers I really do appreciate it

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