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Why doesn't the world stop for my fathers death.


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It's been a hard 4 weeks for me. My father and I had a complex relationship but for the last 8 weeks of his life I was his guardian and made all of the decisions regarding his care. He went from living at home independently to dying in a nursing home in those 8 weeks. I never knew the profound effect his death would have. I look around and forget that the world isn't feeling this. As though a silence should be had, or a gong struck to announce the loss. It's a hard road to navigate and it's good to have others to talk to on this site.

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Hi there

My Dad died ten weeks ago and it is as if the whole world has just got on with life, as if he never existed but not me I am stuck with this ongoing pain. I wish grief could be seen like a broken leg that takes time to heal, at least then more people would understand that we need time to heal. But as it is not this way, we seek each other on this site at least we know how you are feeling. It is a hard road, at the moment I have difficult days and outright hard days but I do know that one day will come along that is not so hard and may even be happy. This is not because I will be missing my Mum and Dad less but because time has allowed me to adjust to my new life without them. Cry, scream shout if it helps but keep coming back here it really does help, look after yourself.

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When my dad died my mom said it was unreal that others were going about their daily routine. People were walking, shopping, laughing, etc. I thought about that when my mom died. I wanted to yell...stop what you are doing...my mom died. Life goes on I guess. It is and will be hard. Hang in there. I understand.

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