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Raising My Kids on my own


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I miss him, I watch my kids for a good day My son who is 15 found his dad passed away in the bed this past June. He was such a good dad and I loved him so much. I often think of the times he will not be there his daughter's wedding and games, graduation and so many more events just dont undersat how a man that to me seem fit and doing the right things just dont wake up......I feel so alone now and i feel guilty for being here and not there dad i just dont know how I will get through this when it was a team effort in raising our children........

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I am sorry for you loss. I am also now raiseing our kids by myself. I dont have any answers we just feel simiular pain. It's unexplainable. I am also so lost and just cant move forward. My husband passed away in May. Me and our youngest daughter found him dead in the bed. This pain hurts so bad. Just take it day by day..sometimes its minute by minute...The site is good to talk and express our feelings cause If you like me I know noone that has gone through this!

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