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Lost My Brother


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My Brother was only 29 years of age. two weeks form getting his masters degree, a father of two young children I just don't know how I talked to him a day before he Jumped off a Fwy overpass and he never said nothing was wrong..... How could he do that he was also a youth pastor I Just dont understand why didnt he talk to me. we were so close and yet he did not come to me and I never heard in his voice that something was wrong with him... I miss him so much how could he leave kid his his wife and our mother all of us.. I wish I knew something was wrong I feel like I failed him as a sister.....

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My Brother was only 29 years of age. two weeks form getting his masters degree, a father of two young children I just don't know how I talked to him a day before he Jumped off a Fwy overpass and he never said nothing was wrong..... How could he do that he was also a youth pastor I Just dont understand why didnt he talk to me. we were so close and yet he did not come to me and I never heard in his voice that something was wrong with him... I miss him so much how could he leave kid his his wife and our mother all of us.. I wish I knew something was wrong I feel like I failed him as a sister.....


You did not fail him as a sister. I am so sorry about the loss of your brother. Sometimes, people put on extremely good faces, and we never know they are thinking these thoughts. You cannot blame yourself, although I know that is easier said than done. How is his wife doing? Do you talk to her? I wish there was something we could say to help you get through this anguish...Know that we will be here to support you. Many others have experienced similar tragedies. They will be able to offer you support and encouragement.

We will be here to listen and wait for you to talk.


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My brother, my BEST FRIEND in the whole damn world,committed suicide as well (Aug. 15, 2012). I saw him the night before and he hugged me and kissed me and said he loved me like normal, said I will see you tomorrow for dinner and still he killed himself without even a HINT of his intentions. You didn't fail him. I didn't fail my bro. You say you were close, and I was VERY close to my bro and he did not come and talk to me either. I think that is what bothers me the most, that he didn't talk to me...My bro was a father also, a son, brother, god father, uncle, friend...yet despite all these wonderful things they both had, for whatever reason, they could not cope. You did not fail him, because you were close to him and he knew that you loved him. And for them both to do this horrible thing with a family who loved them, the pain and grief and emptiness that they were going thru must have been unimaginable. I step back and put myself in his shoes. You too, step back and put yourself in his shoes. Can you even imagine what they were dealing with to do this terrible thing? I understand your pain and I wish with all my heart that you and I were not members of this group of "Survivors", but here we are. The "Survivors". All we can do is remember our beloved bro and keep their memory alive and talk about him to the children. And YOU...YOU are still living...remember that. Please be good to yourself and there is NO reason for you to feel you failed him at all. We loved them and always will miss them, but now we both have to live and be there for our families, who are hurting just as bad as we are. I am sorry for your loss, I understand.

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Hi i am new here. My brother died a very long time ago October 11 1976. I was 10 years old. He was gonna be 12 in November. He died from a tragic accident. The annerversary of his death is always very hard. This year seemed to be the worst. I look back and wonder how i got through it. when he died it was right at my birthday. so i had to say goodbye to my big brother at the age of 10. This past week has been the very hard. I have 4 children. My 2 youngest are the same age as me and my brother were at the time. i miss him so very much i cant stop crying. My youngest says mommy its ok, i look at her and say how did i get through it at that age.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother 3.5 years ago. He was only 20 had died drunk driving. Although it was a different situation I too felt for a long time very guilty like I should have watched out for him more and somehow could have prevented it. Big ((hugs)) to you. Just want to say that you're not alone. I know it's so hard.

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I am so so sorry for your loss. Today I lost my bro. 33 years of age and I dunno how I'm feeling. He died while my baby sis and I looked on. Had a seizure. No signs nothing. Guess I'm still dealin with the loss of my hubby on 5th sept 2012. You are not alone. We are all here for you.he was the eldest and my baby sis got to talk to him. May God's love be with you and your fam. Warm hugs

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As for feeling that you failed your bro its not true. My hubby spoke to me and told me he is 10 mins away from home then killed himself. We were so happy I never dreamt it could ever ever happen to me, or the fact that he would ever do something like that. Its super hard I knw. Constantly asking, why, what if this or that. Never let go of the memories. They will forever be by our sides now. May your bro R.I.P.

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I feel for you the day I lost my brother goes over and over in my head I knew there was something wrong but the way he had been the last few months I knew he wouldn't talk to me! He didn't eat his fav dinner my mum goes over and over that before she went to bed he said ill go and see a counsellor tomo love you good night!! That was the last words he said to her I can't even remember the last thing he said to me I found him and it was the most devastating scariest thing in my life but I try to think he was so disturbed and haunted himself he had no choice! But that doesn't help me wanting needing and missing him beyond belief most of the time I feel like I'm looking in on someone else's life and this isn't happening to me I need a drink to let out my emotions I feel I am annoying or worrying the people that love me but at the moment it's what I need x

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