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Scared to go on!


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Someone mentioned the other day that when people are at endof life the regrets that bother them the most is what they did not accomplishin their lifetime. How do we overcomethe fears we have and accomplish things that we are scared to do. Example: public speaking, talking to women,afraid what we might say will sound stupid. I could go on and on. I feel I amgetting better, and overcoming many of my fears but some are still there. Many of us pass up opportunities because weare afraid of what others may think of our actions. I mainly want to make my wife proud of me atthis point in my life. I have been goingto college for the past 3 years trying to finish my degree. I have four classes left and my wife made me promiseto finish them. She was my motivationand now I have nobody to cheer me on. Iwill do it but I just hope I can concentrate. I have to do well, I promised her.


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cant move on

Hi Mike there's no doubt in my mind she would be proud of you no matter what, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, we're cheering for you.

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Hi Mike, We have been chatting for a while.i find you to be a very nice man. yes i am proud of you. You have came a long way since i first started talking to you and you have helped me. Mary would be proud of you.

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She loved you for yourself. I think everybody has some regrets, but the main thing is to focus on what you did accomplish. Your love for each other was the greatest accomplishment of all. Not many people have that. Go for your degree. Older students make the best students!



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