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he died in november


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my husband died last november after a lengthy period of illness. we had been together for 7 years. i had a mental breakdown about 3 years ago and was never wuite right since. i slipped into a kinf od depression. but i was still managing as my husband's full time carer. but since the breakdown it's like a light went out inside. like something inside me died. i was already in depression, but since peter died last year on top of that, i feel lost. i don't feel "with it" most iof the time and just don't want to go on like this.

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cant move on

Hi emurray. Very sorry for your loss. I was going through stuff when my wife died as well. It definately adds pressure. I do hope your doing something about the depression so it does not get too tight of a hold on you. I know it makes you feel like you just can't go on but it will get better. Support groups like this help a lot, and if the need arises to talk in person there are probably support groups right in your area. I can fully understand when you feel lost. Any time you feel you need added support just start a thread and say what's on your mind.

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I"m so sorry for your loss and all that you've endured. But keep in mind you HAVE endured it so far, and though I don't know you, strongly suspect you are stronger than you realize and can get out from under this, though it won't be easy to say the least and will take time. The feelings of being lost, totally lost, and in a dark emptiness are normal and understandable. Pls see someone - a doctor, psychologist, or esp a grief counselor about this specific issue. Support groups can also be great, because unless someone has been through this, they simply can't "get it." Talking to someone who has can make a world of difference. Pls hold on. You're worth it.

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