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I need to find purpose again. I need a reason to go forward. What is my purpose now? I had reason to live before.

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Purpose? I don't see my purpose either before I had my husband and son to take care of but now its' just me most of the time. I don't see no purpose in me fighting to get to sleep to just sleep a little while and then getting up to fight another day of worry and emptiness. I don't see where there is going to be any purpose for me to ever go on. can i be replaced? yes i think i work hard and do a good job at work but they could find another one to do that. Jeremy has a really sweet gf to keep him going, sure he would miss me but we don't see that much of each other he could make it. my sisters' and brothers' has each other, their is 6 of us so what would one missing mean. The church members has their own family and life.

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I forgot to say, Mike hang in there you seem like such a smart man i am sure there is a purpose for you.

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My goal is to find new purpose, they say there is a reason for everything, I believe finding reasons will help me heal.

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I've been wrestling with that question for a long time and am just starting to see what makes sense to me. My purpose now is to heal. And have faith in myself. Some science fiction writer wrote something to the effect of having faith in faith. That somewhere out there there is someone or something worth believing in. I know what it is to feel hopeless. Slowly, things are starting to change. I don't know if this helps or not. We all make our own meaning out of life and everyone finds their own path..



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