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new to this and in pain, suffering


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i just lost, well on july 5 my spouse of ten years. i cannot believe the pain and suffering i feel. he went peacefully in his sleep and the autopsy has confirmed no reason, i don't even know what to say here. imust go for now.

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So sorry for your lost. I lost mine June 21. Its' still like it was yesterday I miss him so. If you need anyone to cry with I am usually here crying.

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Hi Val. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my wife last April. It still hurts everyday. I cant say that the pain lessens over time, but there are days when I think about her less often and focus more on taking care of the blessings she left for me to take care of. Today was one of them. Had a good day with the boys after work. That being said, I still feel the pain every day and night time is still especially when the house is quiet. I hope you have a few moments of solice soon.

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Hi Val. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my wife last April. It still hurts everyday. I cant say that the pain lessens over time, but there are days when I think about her less often and focus more on taking care of the blessings she left for me to take care of. Today was one of them. Had a good day with the boys after work. That being said, I still feel the pain every day and night time is still especially when the house is quiet. I hope you have a few moments of solice soon.

I am so sorry for your loss and continued grieving. i feel like mine will last forever too. i can't sleep, cannot eat. up way to early. sick to stomach. reaching out to all i know for support. Can't believe my husband is gone. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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I am sorry for all your lost.. It has been a little over 2 months and I still cry everyday, sometimes several times. I still cant believe that he is gone. I am an empty shell just functioning in the new norm is what I call it,. I am literally learning my life over again. I had my partner for 19 yrs....We where 17 and I dont know how to do all of this alone now, It is hard to face... Just take it second by second..Cry when you want, dont fight it...

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Hello! It is still very fresh in your life... Are you willing to chat? I promise not to give any unsolicited advice or judge. I've been there too happy.gif

I am sorry for all your lost.. It has been a little over 2 months and I still cry everyday, sometimes several times. I still cant believe that he is gone. I am an empty shell just functioning in the new norm is what I call it,. I am literally learning my life over again. I had my partner for 19 yrs....We where 17 and I dont know how to do all of this alone now, It is hard to face... Just take it second by second..Cry when you want, dont fight it...

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Hello, I am so sorry to hear about everyone's loss. I have just recently lost the love of my life on August 7th. Kenny was just 49 and my fairy tale come true! I miss him something terrible. I can't sleep and not a moment goes by he is not in my thoughts. It has been one of the roughest times in my life. I feel like I am alone and noone understands but yet I have people close and dear and that are very understanding. I had to throw myself back into work because I have kids to take care of and they have been my rock and I have to be strong for them. I have been reading some of the post and they have been a comfort. I just have to figure how to go on yet still deal with my baby not being here to hold me and tell me everything will be okay!! So I guess I know how some are feeling and if I can help I will be here to listen and maybe we can help each other

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Hello, I am so sorry to hear about everyone's loss. I have just recently lost the love of my life on August 7th. Kenny was just 49 and my fairy tale come true! I miss him something terrible. I can't sleep and not a moment goes by he is not in my thoughts. It has been one of the roughest times in my life. I feel like I am alone and noone understands but yet I have people close and dear and that are very understanding. I had to throw myself back into work because I have kids to take care of and they have been my rock and I have to be strong for them. I have been reading some of the post and they have been a comfort. I just have to figure how to go on yet still deal with my baby not being here to hold me and tell me everything will be okay!! So I guess I know how some are feeling and if I can help I will be here to listen and maybe we can help each other


I have found much comfort in these boards, the people are great and understanding because we all have a similar path we are fighting the same fight. I have found this to be the most challenging time in my life and without the support I get here and the Group I just joined I am not sure what I would do. It helps me to reach out and share my suffering with the people here. I encourage you to do what makes you feel better. Maybe it is just reading the posts for awhile. That is what is nice here nobody judges. It helps me!


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