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My Dads Death


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Okay so I am very new to this. My dad died on June 19, 2012 and he was 52 years old. He was perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong with him. I just saw him two days before he died and he was fine and healthy. Then two days later my mom called me and told me my daddy wa gone. I was and still am heartbroken. My dad who had always been my protector was just gone. No warning or anything and I am still shocked. I am very upset still and I do cry much less than I did but it still doesn't seem real. I feel like its just a dream. There are times where it will hit me like when I get reminded of him and I start to cry. I have heard of the five stages of grief and it seems like we got the first one but then skipped straight to the last one. We have all accepted that he is gone and we can't bring him back. Is it normal to just accept it and not be angry. If I could get feedback I would really appreciate it.

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You must be relatively young. My dad was 51 when he died in 2007, and I was 17.

It was a shock, never expected it. I know how you feel because I have been where you are. For so long it didn’t feel real. Even standing in front of his grave, I still expected him to pop out or something. Like it was some bad dream or a sick joke. Grieving is a rollercoaster, especially for the first year. I don’t think there is no abnormal in relation to what you feel after losing your father. It took a while for it to finally hit me that my dad was never coming home again, and I think that’s the toughest thing you will deal with. Its hard, but everyone grieves differently. You may feel one way now, and be completely angry the next day. My advice is to take things as they come, and just grieve. You need it. Talking about my dads death was the only thing that gave me some relief. Now it’s how many years later my dads been gone, and I still have my emotional breakdowns. Some days are a lot harder then others. Surround yourself with family and those who love you. Take care of yourself. Remember the best about your father and that he loves you. Just because he isn’t here anymore, doesn’t mean that relationship is over. I still talk to my dad. Best of luck to you.

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Yeah I am 22 and my brothers are only 12 and 13. We didn't bury dad he was cremated. We haven't spread his ashes yet either so maybe that's why I feel like this. Thank you do much though. It really helps to know that I'm not alone when I'm feeling like this.

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