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A free/easy way to get out, socialize, meet people etc


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For those not up on it, it's a way via internet to connect to all kinds of local/nearby "clubs" of almost any conceivable kind. It's free to join and almost all the clubs are too. Occasionally they may ask a buck per "event" to cover costs of having the club on that site, but mostly that's it. Again there are all kinds of groups, including sometimes widow/widower groups and ones for socializing, dining out, most any hobby or activity etc. Obviously the bigger area you live in or near the more groups there are likely to be.

For what it's worth. Really, if you're feeling lonely, friends have disappeared etc etc, why not give them a try? There's nothing to lose.

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Thought this might merit a bump for what it's worth - to clarify, the clubs themselves are almost all set up on this site, they aren't just local clubs who happen to "join" the site. Very informal for the most part, just like-minded people gathering -

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