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I miss my husband so much! The fact that I will never hug,kiss,laugh,hangout,or just have his shoulder to cry on is killing me. I dont know who I am. I have to give up our business and start over so scared...what to do? He was my rock. So freaking lost. I want him so bad...I wish I could have one moment with him so he can tell me what to do....Dont know how to do this I am forced to start a new life...Single parent, new job and what ever else....I just want my old life!!!"

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I feel your pain. I have the same pain. I miss him so much. yesterday was my BIL birthday and my sister wanted us to meet them to eat out, my son wasn't going to be able to bring me home so I drove myself, scared to death. I went early and looked around at a few stores.well I was holding it together until someone told me sorry to hear about your husband, I guess I went to school with her did not remember her, well it started the crying, i told her oh i wished i didn't see anyone that knew me because i had to drive and didn't want to cry. I was in one of his favorite stores and that was rough. I see him everywhere and need him so bad. if you want to call and cry with me just leave me know. I start back to work tomorrow and that is going to be hard, he liked taking me to work.

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1341628327' post='88736']

I miss my husband so much! The fact that I will never hug,kiss,laugh,hangout,or just have his shoulder to cry on is killing me. I dont know who I am. I have to give up our business and start over so scared...what to do? He was my rock. So freaking lost. I want him so bad...I wish I could have one moment with him so he can tell me what to do....Dont know how to do this I am forced to start a new life...Single parent, new job and what ever else....I just want my old life!!!"

I feel exactly like you, I just don't get if he loved me so very much. Wich I know he did, how he did this (it was a suicide ) on 7-16-12. What if I found him I would of died trying to cut him down,my god. It doesn't feel real at all. It's like a horrible nightmare I keep going into, daily. God help me. I'm having a problem here, and who is going to fix this? He did everything... I'm so very abandoned. That's how I feel... Idk, help?!

Just need to hear sumn to keep me going...

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I feel the same way you do. My wife was my life. Now I feel alone and lost. I wake each day and look to see if it was a bad dream. How to go on? what to do? why do it? My kids all have their own lives and families. I don't live by any family. My only real friend died. Why? I really am feeling sorry for myself tonight. I really don't like it.

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