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More Sad every day after the loss of my Mom


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Hello. I joined this website with high hopes to hear stories of how one can help heal the broken heart of losing my Mother. My Mom passed away on June 15 after being on life support for a little over a week. My mom was on her way home from Bingo on June 6th and started driving erratically then drove into a pole and tree. She did not try to break which leads me to believe she may of had a heart attack. She did have high blood pressure and Diabetes. She survived this horrific crash which to me is a miracle in itself. We visited her at the hospital where she was on life support and most of my family went to her bedside with hopes she could hear us as she was in a coma. My brother even flew in from Hawaii that I hadnt seen since I was 5. We brought in Hospice because each day she progressively got worse instead of better and she passed peacefully on the 15th. I know it is so Cliche to say My Mom was the best but she truly was and would do anything and everything for anyone. I miss her so much and each day is harder:( Please share your thoughts and any ideas as to how I can cope. Luckily I have an amazing Husband that is keeping me sane.Thank you

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You are extremely lucky to have an amazing husband that you can lean on. Keep a hold of that reasurrance.

What you are going through is completly normal. Every emotion, feeling, thought is part of the grieving process. You will hurt forever, but it does get better and someday you will realize you don't hurt so much.

Look to the good memories to get you through. I know that is hard. It has been 4 months since my mom died and the good memories come easier now.

Remember to cry. To yell. To allow yourself to be sad and hurt.

Please know that we are here and you can write as often as you want.


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