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Ever wonder if things were reversed...


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What if you had gone instead of them? Ever wonder? No point here, just curious. Certainly some of us have thought "it should have been me." But what if it had? How would they react? How would you hope they would etc?

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If it were me, it would have been very hard on my mother. She was 87 and too old to suffer the loss of her daughter, although she lost a few sisters and some friends.

I am thinking of going down to tflorida for a while. I am so fed up with everything right now. My moms death is so sad, i can't talk to her or go see her. Sometimes i wonder what the point is.

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What if you had gone instead of them? Ever wonder? No point here, just curious. Certainly some of us have thought "it should have been me." But what if it had? How would they react? How would you hope they would etc?

Warm greetings! Cases, of course, vary according to situations. For example, if a person was the sole caregiver for their Mother and that caregiver passed on it would certainly be a devastating situation for the Mother who would most certainly feel her great loss with much pain but also perhaps now would have no one else to help her in her time of continuing need. The same can be said for any other close family member that one would have taken care of long-term or even not so long.

The reaction from them might very well be the same as what we feel for them. There would be great sadness and the very same thought might well enter into their own mind such as to say that it should have been them to go first. It is a normal human reaction to wish to save the person who has gone before you because most times people do not fully understand the cycle of life and what it entails. They may feel that they should have gone in their stead but what they must realize and understand is that each and every person is an Individual, therefore, they have their own designated time of when to leave this world and return to spirit of which we are and will continue to be. While it is a very noble and loving thought to want to replace their passing with one's own, when one fully understands that it would not have been possible simply due to one's own Personal Time to go which is fully predestined, I would hope it would bring some degree of comfort to the mind and heart of those who are suffering with such common and anxious thoughts.

May God Bless everyone who may be having a hard time with this issue. Please know that God makes no mistakes! He knows who should go first and who will follow at a later time. Therefore, live to celebrate the life of a loved one now in spirit and know that one day all will meet again! In the meantime, just as you think fond, loving, and compassionate thoughts about another who has passed on, know that there will be those who will be thinking the same about you when it is your appointed time to leave this world.

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