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Hello to all, I am new to this forum. I lost my only child (son) to suicide in 2004. Since this time, it has been a long road to navigate. I have in this time gone onto being a griefcounselor trying to help others on the same path unfortunately I traveled aswell. One important aspect of this lossis in most incidences your loved ones pull away unintentionally. I know from myown point of view that all I really wanted was for someone to let me talk when Iwanted to talk but for me no one was there to listen. For the summer I wouldlike to also offer to survivors to come and share with me my home that is amagical place on the Union River right outside Bar Harbor and Acadia NationalForest in Maine. If anyone is interested please contact me through this forumand we can go over the particulars. May your day be blessed with one peacefulmoment filled with light and love. Lee

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