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Loss of my mother


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I lost my mother on January 16th, 2011. It's been a year and a half, and there is still physical pain. She was my best friend, my mother, my care giver, my everything. Somedays I can't believe it hurts so much. I also find myself so angry these days. Angry about everything. Do others feel this way? Does it go away? I know I'm not this person and I know for sure my mother would not want me to feel this way.

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There will always be pain, but the memories will soon be there to comfort you. Anger is normal and helps with the grieving process as long as that anger does not dominate your life.

After a year and a half I do think you need a little help getting through this. I belong to a grief support group at our local hospital. It is free and worth the time I spend there. It is 3 hours a month and I get to share with others who have similar cirumstances. Is there a support group in your area? How about a grief counselor or a religous leader that you can turn to? Please look at these possiblities. I am worried about you and hope that you will continue to be in touch and continue to heal.


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I know how you feel. I am still lost without my mom sometimes especially when something goes wrong. Join a grief support group it helps. My car is in the shop so i couldn't go this week to share my pain so its bothering me plus i am moving sat.

My mom was my best friend, its hard to comprehend sometimes.

I will pray for you and join us in prayer go to facebook and type in " prayer group for whoever is in need 4.0" and join

hope to see you there.


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