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losing my mom


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I am only 21 years old and I lost my mom on May 9th which was just three days before my college graduation. She had been sick for a very long time and I was very lucky to get 21 amazing years with her. It just hurts because I was not with her and was 1600 miles away at college. I haven't really had the moment where it all hits me yet, but it is getting really hard lately to deal with the fact that i can't tell her things and hang out with her. she was honestly my best friend and i don't know how i can go on with my life when the biggest part of my life is gone forever. just needed to get my feelings out in the open and hopefully this will be the start to moving on with my life without losing my mom's memory.

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Katie: How are you? I am so sorry about your mom. I lost my mom 6 months ago and she was my best friend, some days i just don't know what to do, others i am ok.

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Debbie, time heals some of it and the pain gets less but your right there is an empty place where she was. i like to go to the cemetary and talk to my mother now before i could barely bring myself to go,

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