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Loss My Mom


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Hi.I am new.I Lost my mother on June 18th 2012.She passed away of Liver Disease.All organs failed.It was so hard.She was in Hospital for almost a week and her last 3 days in ICU.

I never thought It was so bad to watch someone pass.I was unsure if she was in pain or was not as her eyes closed she had an mask to help breath.Slight noises of moans was so sad I still vison this.Unsure if she felt this.The last evening was Hospice comfort care.So peaceful and so sad.I have so many questions about ICU ..I have never had to view anything like this.Her organs shut down .

When she was moving her head and noises from mask i had hard time sitting there so I would come and go.I feel Guilt,Heartache,Sadness.I need support and I struggle day by day.She was 63 called me everyday to say hi and we check on her.Now no phone calls and I miss all this..If anyone would like to share something with me I would like to share..And Listen.Thank you And I hope we can all Grieve together and help each other ,This is the hardest thing that has happend in my Life..Bridge

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My father passed away almost 2 years ago and it still hurts. The biggest thing is to not be afraid of your emotions. Some of the biggest struggles is when we allow our emotions to be suffocated because of the hurt and the lack of comfort and reassurance. I would like to hear what emotions you are going through and know if they are similar to what I went through when I lost my father.

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