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Writing as Therapy

vicki woodyard

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vicki woodyard

I lost my husband, Bob, in 2004. He was ill for about five years. During that time, I found my passion. Once he got his diagnosis, he asked me to "find your passion before I die."

And it turned out to be writing. I now have a website, http://www.vickiwoodyard.com. I write essays on spirituality and how I live without my beloved husband.

We had lost our daughter to a childhood cancer when she was 7, so I was familiar with grief, how long it takes to heal, etc.

I know my husband's love is still wrapped around me and that he is proud I have written a book. It is called Life With A Hole In It.

I called it that because I wrote an email to a friend and said something like, "It feels like my life has a hole in it now." But the subtitle

of the book is "That's How The Light Gets In."


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