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Brazil Man

I think I didn't love my  wife as she deserved while she was alive. Now I love her more then ever, Is it normal ?

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Yes, I think it's definitely normal to feel this way. I will catch myself sometimes wishing I had been more demonstrative but then I have to remember that we both weren't the schmoozy lovey kissy types...and that makes me love him more now because of how we gelled and how we didn't demand more of each other. I keep realizing day after day after lonely day how much we were two peas in a pod. This is all part of grief and fully demonstrates the catch-phrase of "grief is love with no place to go".  

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I feel this way about my girlfriend who passed away back in March. We were on and off for the 6 months prior to her death. Im not sure what I was thinking. I did love her but I don't feel like I loved her and appreciated her the way I should have. It eats at me each day and there is nothing I can do about it. I wish I could go back and do things differently. Its so frustrating. 

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