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Does anyone else have dreams of your deceased parent or parents?  

It’s been six years since my mom died and I still have dreams of her.  Sometimes she’s just walking by.  Other times I see her in a crowd.  Other times she comes up to me.  

The feeling of seeing her in my dreams is profound and it sticks with me for days or weeks afterwards.  It brings up all the feelings of missing her and the sadness, etc.  It’s nice in some ways to see her again but terrible in other ways in that it just brings up feelings that were laid to rest for a while.

Just curious if anyone else experiences anything like that?

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I had a dream of my mother the other night (she died 1.5 years ago).  In the dream,  she was dead and then came alive. Her death never was. We all celebrated that she was now alive. I had to convince everyone she was alive, and finally everyone believe us. It was the strangest dream I've ever had. 

But, unlike you, I wasn't that disappointed when I woke up. I know that she's gone, but is she really? That's the question.

Sorry these dreams are not helping you out. God love you!  Maybe some dream you'll have will give you peace of mind.

Please take care of yourself. 

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At first, I didn’t have dreams of my mother after she passed away unexpectedly. But now, almost four months later, she appears in my dreams most nights. Sometimes pleasant dreams, sometimes disturbing nightmares. I can completely relate. Sometimes it’s lovely to be able to see her in that way, but depending on the situation, the dream can be scary or stressful as well. It helps me to analyze the dream and think logically about why my subconscious might have crafted it in my sleep, and what might have caused me to dream it. When I wake up and break down those nightmares with reason, they often become a lot less scary and troubling.

I wish you peace on your journey. 

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