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General topic I thought might be worth chattering about...never too young or too old to think about it and plan for it (or within it)....

I hope to retire within the next few years. I could retire now, technically, but I figure to wait at least until I can start claiming SS (62). And I lean to starting exactly then. A telling stat I read recently: if you compare two people who claim at the earliest time of 62 vs the latest time of 70, the first person comes out ahead overall until they both hit 80. I don't know if I'll even be around when I'm 80, so carpe diem I say! 


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I have to start drawing out of my IRA next year.  It isn't much.  All it will do is mess up my taxes.

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Still a nice problem to have IMO :) 

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Not exactly, I have to drive a long ways away to a tax person when it's snowing and I may/may not be able to drive in it to go over tax stuff when I don't benefit from it, it's a pain in the butt.  The gov't should just take it all since they will bit by bit anyway.  Just let me deal with my snow in peace.

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? Why do you have to meet someone in person? This can't be done online?

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To set up the estimated payments.

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