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I feel like I get sad for attention. It's November I lost my mom in March and for some reason I just got sad randomly and then I listened to sad music and looked at some sad Pinterest quotes and now I'm somehow convinced I got sad for attention but the fact is I won't tell anyone but it doesn't feel warranted to be sad right now I'm on holiday and I had a great day.Beeing 14 sucks

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You will go through a lot of emotions when grieving.  It’s not a linear process, more like a roller coaster.  You’ll have days, weeks, or months in a row where you feel fine.  Then suddenly the anger or sadness comes back again.  You will feel what you feel and that’s okay.  It will take a lot of time to fully process the loss, and even then you will never be whole again.  But in time you will find joy and happiness again in life.

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