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It's been a struggle, every day seems to get harder. It just happened so fast, and my mind was not able to catch up....and they were gone. Now I fell guilt and anger, I hate the world and everyone in it. Two good people gone, while the filth of the earth still is allowed to walk this earth. Not accepting it and still in shock. Haven't found any resources to help me out. 

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Fallishere, I am so sorry for your losses. Just know that are not alone, everyone that is a member on this forum has gone through it already or in the middle of it. I am the latter, my mom died unexpectedly in June. I get why you feel as you do, why two good people were taken away while not so good people are still here. Life is definitely not a straight line, but has curves, twists, and turns. And it is quite understandable that you are in shock. So was I in those first few days after my mom died. You have already found at least one resource: this forum. Keep coming back and sharing your feelings. And there is no timetable on grief, every one is different. It is now the fifth month since my mom died and I am only now going through the worst of the grief. Yesterday I talked to my psychiatrist and he has put me on a low dose of an additional antidepressant because I have cried a lot lately. Not to suppress my grief but to manage it a little better. I am only now just getting grief support help with the GriefShare groups, one of which is one on getting through the holidays, which I sorely need as the holidays are approaching closer as it is, and this is my first without my mom. My dad died 29 years ago and the anniversary of that is the 17th. I had already gone though changes in holidays then, but now here I am again, having to learn how to get through them all over again. Keep on checking in here, we are here.

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