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Lost my 20 year old daughter a few weeks ago in a vehicle crash...

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I'm just trying to find somewhere to vent I guess. I find it hard to talk about things out loud, in the "real" world,  so maybe this will help? 

Anyways, my beautiful, happy, full of plans for the future, 20 y.o. daughter passed away in a crash recently. 

For 20 years it's been just us four against the world it seems, now it's just  us three. It just seems so wrong.

My husband, my other daughter and myself were blessed to have the support of so many friends, family and the community.

But now it's just us, at home, and it's hard. Everything just reminds me of her. And That's she's not here.

I started a journal today. It was something I wanted to do, but haven't been able to get started until today. 

Anyways, guess I just wanted to introduce myself and get a feel for this forum, I pray peace for us all 🙏🏻

"I love you to the universe and back" Destiny 💜


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I get it. Lost my 16-month-old grandson Wilder the 25th of May. He lived with me and my wife and daughter. That even sucks typing that in the past tense...so he was/is really my kid. The house is the hardest thing. Memories and things there, everywhere remind and cause pain. Our home was taken over by him and stuff is everywhere as you can imagine. The house is empty and silent now. His room untouched, toys piled in a corner, his shoes and PJ's on his dresser. New world for us suffering with loving and missing our special people. I was in a similar situation. It was us 4 as well. My wife, daughter and our sweet Wilder. We were a team and a close unit that rallied in love and support. The pain doesn't stop. Phones with tons of pic and videos that cause pain. You can't not look but when you do the emptiness and pain flood back. All we do is wake to sleep again. In between is nothing more than mindless tasks so we can sleep and have some kind of peace. He as well as your Destiny are in your thoughts every sec of everyday. Regret, self-pity and sadness for a life that was cut short for no reason. People say they will check on y'all etc. but they do not when it is said and done. It's just you guys now and that's how it goanna be. Sad but true and besides no one that has not gone through this can even for one second imagine what we are going through. Just pray,cry,and pray and cry more. My wife and I sit in separate rooms mostly now as my daughter mainly shows up to sleep and go to work. I can't even imagine what it is like for her as well as you. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Hope you guys find a way through this darkness.

  • Hugs 2

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