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Everything is so complicated, like in a fog. I was in charge of all the funeral arrangements. I so want Dad to know that I loved him. After all, only I could understand him. Other relatives treated him badly, but they did not see many details and how bad it was for Dad. He had many health problems and he was never able to recover. He tried to work, to earn money. Almost no one could help him, and I did not know how bad it was. Yesterday I found out that Dad lived in a garage for 4 years. And a lot of other information. Dad was a war veteran. The war broke his life. I was not there to help him. For 3 years, Dad did not want me to know what was happening to him. We started talking to him again over a year ago. I was so happy. I wanted to continue talking to him and start helping him financially, but now he is dead. I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the grief and something terrible will happen to me. I have already damaged my body. I am afraid that I will do it again.

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Hey listen. I really hope you're hanging in there. I lost my Dad too and it changed my life. One day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time but you WILL make it through this. Make your dad proud. I saw your message and had to respond, I know how devastating it feels... 

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