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37 Years Old, Just Now Grieving Loss of My Dad. I lost him at 9.

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It wasn't until I got in my most recent serious relationship that I realized that I hadn't dealt with the loss of my father. Honestly, I packaged it up neatly in my brain and pushed it down as far as I could. I decided to go to therapy because my boyfriend and I were having a ton of issues and I came to understand that there was so much unresolved, unspoken, and unaddressed pain inside of me. My mother has suffered quite a bit of loss; all of her sisters, her brother, her mother and father, and my Dad. In a way, I thought I was comfortable or "strong" in dealing with loss. I wasn't and I am not.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and your situation, friend. My heart goes out to you. Losing your dad at the age of 9 must have been very hard. It’s important to let yourself go through the process and give yourself as much time as you need. I lost my dad 7yrs ago and it still hurts. It’s good you’re getting therapy. Please know that I said a prayer for you, and I hope that God will provide the comfort and strength you need in the days ahead. You might want to check out the book: When You Lose Someone You Love by Richard Exley. Please take good care of yourself, friend. Stay strong. Hugs.

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