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I am at wits end.  I found mom passed a way in the beginning of June.  Since then my husband has been avoiding me by working constantly.   He got in the car and drove away and left me to deal with everything that morning while he went to the bank to close their joint account.   It's all about money for him.   I thought he loved her and me.  She was my first best friend and he was right up there with her. Now I don't have either of them but I have to pretend everything is okay and keep it together at work.  I usually cry in the car.  You don't realize how few friends you have until something like this happens.   Between taking care of my mom for the last 14 years, working extra hours and not being able to have kids I only see my friends a few times a year usually.  Some drifted away completely after they had kids.  I have never felt this alone. 

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42 minutes ago, KayC said:

I'm sorry you're going through this, you are not alone in it.  I went through the loss of ALL of our friends when my husband died over 19 years ago.  Most do.
Friends who Stop Being Good Friends
Friends, letdown
Friendship: Why I No Longer Hold Onto Relationships That No Longer Serve Me

Things can change drastically after a death of  a loved ones. My mother's family basically disowned us after she died. My father's family was more helpful, especially one of his sisters. You find out who really cares for you and who doesn't after a death. It's life. 

You lost all of your friends after your dear husband died. That's quite typical, though, as you say.  

No matter what, we all tend to feel quite lonely after we lose a close loved one.

Take care!

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