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For those of you who experienced loss/losses of loved ones, has therapy helped? 

I’m wrestling with that idea now and not sure what it will provide me.
Lost both parents and an uncle whom I was close to almost back to back. (After caring for them for years)…Now I am all alone.

What has that done to you those of you who did seek help?

Do I look for a therapist, a counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist? Not sure.

What if I don’t click with that person? Start over I know, but how do you vet them beforehand?

Thanks for reading.

  • Moderators

I would go with a grief counselor.  Give it three tries and if it's no click then let them go and try someone else.  Ask around for recommendations or try Hospice of the Valley.

  • Members

Thank you I will give it a try 

  • Hugs 1

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