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I went through that many years ago when at Winco, I saw a man from behind that looked just like George from behind, his neck, his hair, his physique...and my heart did a double beat...then when I saw his face, the letdown.  So hard yet for just a moment...

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Those brief moments are just the weirdest experiences to go through....quite similar to when they show up in our dreams. I've had them occur a few times in grocery stores. It will usually be someone around the same height and weight as my partner which seems to immediately flare up a lasting familiarity deep within me. And it's a bittersweet moment...saddened that it's not him but also in awe of how embedded he is in my heart. At the snap of a finger, I remember. 

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I can't decide if I would want such a moment or not tbh. As the rest of you have said or alluded to...bittersweet... 



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