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13 hours ago, Donkey87 said: I now stay to myself. I am alone most of the time and it is getting to me. This is so hard to deal with and I just don't know what to do so I am writing this. Any words of advice or wisdom would be appreciated.

@Donkey87  Brett, I am so sorry for your loss. I have bipolar and can so relate to your situation.

it is common for mentally ill people to abuse alcohol and drugs in an attempt to self medicate. I had my own struggles before being diagnosed at age 33. Do not blame yourself she was just coping the best she could in her situation.

THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. She had a disease that was beyond your control. If she was not on the right meds or didn’t take them consistently it causes problems for everyone around as well as herself compounded by the alcohol problem. I created lots of problems in my marriage due to those issues. It took me a decade to settle down take my meds and go to the doctor.

i would strongly recommend trying out Al-Anon or a bipolar group that includes caretakers, partners etc. That would give you a place to help discuss your relationship issues as well as getting out and not being so alone.

Wishing you peace and strength in your struggles,



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I don't have much if anything to add as the two posts above covered it well, but I am very sorry for your loss. Grief and guilt are old friends, I guess because our brains are trying to justify all that pain. It's common for us to blame ourselves for what happened, even when it isn't at all fair or reasonable. Try to keep that in mind. 

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