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Loss of my dad


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I lost my dad to a sudden fatal heart attack 24.02.2012 and three months on I'm very very angry I'm snappy all the time, crying, down etc, my brother died in 1988 my mum and dad are divorced even though they were friends, so even though I have a supportive partner it's just me and I'm feeling so alone and I'm not in a good place right now he was only 62 and was very close to my eldest son. My son is devastated and I just feel like punching a wall tbh as I just don't know how to handle it, also I was told by phone from his mobile and was screaming..... That still haunts me and will for the rest of my life :(((

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The pain doesn't stop no matter what I do it's there.

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No, the pain will never go away, but it does get easier. I stress this with everyone I write to....What you are going through is completely normal. The feeling of anger, crying and all other emotions are part of the grieving process. You remembering that day is horrible. We all go through this. Remembering over and over again. Sometime soon, you will stop thinking about it for a while (an hour, a day, a week) I did and when I did I felt guilty. Don't feel guilty over anything. Let your emotions flow and you will get through this.

Take your time. You need to grieve. Find some friends or family for support. Remember that we are here to support you also.

Take care.


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I know how hard it is. I lost my Mom 20 weeks ago. I go through so many emotions hurt, anger, loneliness, sadness but the one thing that never leaves me is pain. I feel gut wrenching pain at all times. I have 2 kids ages 4 and 7 and they were the world to my Mom just as your son was to your dad. I know I have to go on for my kids. I feel a huge part of me is gone my Mom and I were very close saw each other at least 5x a week talked on the phone several times a day and that was all ripped from me. It's like my heart was taken out and stepped on 10000x. I have found a few small things that help. I write in a journal when I am really down. I also go to a grief support group at my Mom's church. I also cry cry cry. I don't worry about my emotions I just live them and work through them. I will be praying for you!

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No, the pain will never go away, but it does get easier. I stress this with everyone I write to....What you are going through is completely normal. The feeling of anger, crying and all other emotions are part of the grieving process. You remembering that day is horrible. We all go through this. Remembering over and over again. Sometime soon, you will stop thinking about it for a while (an hour, a day, a week) I did and when I did I felt guilty. Don't feel guilty over anything. Let your emotions flow and you will get through this.

Take your time. You need to grieve. Find some friends or family for support. Remember that we are here to support you also.

Take care.


Exactly, well summed up Sally. I'm sorry to all of you for your losses. It's a cliche but it's true, day at at time......

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i am so sorry for you loss and pain. Time will help you work thru your emotions. I got alot better and i was furious when mom died over a guardianship issue.

My prayers are with you for healing and comfort.

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