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Not sure who I am without him...


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So, I spent the better part of my 46 years with a wonderful man. We kept to ourselves for a long time. We enjoyed each other's company so much, we felt that we didn't need anyone else. Now, he is gone, and I don't know who I am without him. He was my world. We were married 9 years before we were ready to share one another with a child; and then everything we did, we did for the family. We never went anywhere without the other. We finished each other's sentences; we were able to read each other's minds; we reacted before words were spoken; we knew each other's deepest secrets and biggest fears. Now, I don't know what to do, who to talk to (other than the therapist). Where do I go from here? How do I find out who I am?

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So, I spent the better part of my 46 years with a wonderful man. We kept to ourselves for a long time. We enjoyed each other's company so much, we felt that we didn't need anyone else. Now, he is gone, and I don't know who I am without him. He was my world. We were married 9 years before we were ready to share one another with a child; and then everything we did, we did for the family. We never went anywhere without the other. We finished each other's sentences; we were able to read each other's minds; we reacted before words were spoken; we knew each other's deepest secrets and biggest fears. Now, I don't know what to do, who to talk to (other than the therapist). Where do I go from here? How do I find out who I am?


I am so very sorry for your loss. You simply go from here by talking to others, sharing your story, your feelings, your thoughts, etc. It will help in time. You can also journal, blog, facebook a memorial, create a music memorial and just take it one step at a time for now.

A grief and loss self help group may also help you.


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Good reply MK. Agree check out a group, or if that's not working for you, 1 on 1 counseling. That has helped me a lot (luckily I got a good counselor) :)

Very sorry for your loss. Take it a day at a time. An old cliche but very true.

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It appears our husbands passed around the same time. I am just trying to figure out who I am and where I am going from here. I think if we do take it one day at a time and not worry so much what are we suppose to be doing or who we are at the moment, it will come to us in time. I would like to be to that point already but since I'm not I realize I just need more time, and that is alright. I was just saying to myself today I have no friends and my best friend (my husband) is no longer here. I do have friends but I don't want to burden them with my grief. I guess it may be time for a support group, I hope to hear from you soon. Keep up the post, I am here for you :)

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