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It's been 4 months ... *sigh*


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It's been 4 months since I lost my bestfriend Shawn .. some days have been better than others, but most havent been so good at all. Everyone else has seemed to gone back to normal, carrying on with their normal lives and routines, everyone except me. I want to thank ALL of you here who helped me get through these past few months, especially Kevin's Mom and Onedaysoon. I have manage to finish my college exams and I start my internship in 1 week. I still think about quiting and giving up, some mornings I still dont want to get out of bed, a lot of days im in denial just to make it through the day ... but im still here

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Shawn's Bestfriend,

We are glad you are still here. You will work through this. Your timing is your own; each of us grieve in our own way in our own time. It's okay for you to still be processing through your own grief.

We will be here.


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Shawns BF, I'm so glad to hear you've managed to go on in your schooling, not easy when your heart is in pieces. You'll find that you will have more and more good days. I still have my bad ones but the feel of them has changed some. I still hurt and there are days I don't want to get out of bed either but we manage. The important part is that we do keep going. Keep making Shawn proud of you, you know he's still with you. Kevin's Mom-Vivian

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