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I'm still in shock. It's only been about 2 weeks and I just picked up his ashes and belongings 4 days ago. It just doesn't seem real. I hadn't seen him in a year because he disappeared off in the land of addiction with fentynol and alcohol after my family and I tried to help. I just wonder if I had handled things differently... or if any of us had.. would be still be here? I never thought he would pass so young at 62 and in these circumstances. I miss his hugs and him telling me how proud of me he was and the person I've become. I feel numb, but I'm so so sad at the same time. 

  • Hugs 3
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I’m so sorry for your loss, friend. My heart ached as I read your post. I can relate to what you’re going through. Losing a special person is very hard, and the impact of such a loss is deep. I lost my dad seven years ago and it still hurts. I wasn’t there when he passed away and I tend to think that I could have done something but it’s beyond our control. Each of us deal with loss in our own unique way. The journey can be complex, and wounded hearts take time to heal. I’d suggest that you talk to a grief counselor or find a support group nearby. Please take good care of yourself. Stay strong. Hugs.

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