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3 monts


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3 months ago today my mom died. I am very lonely and sad. I slept until 8:45 this morning. Something I haven't done in years. I woke up with a feeling that there is nothing left for me. There is a heaviness in my heart. I miss her more than anyone will every know. Oh mama..where are you???

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3 months ago today my mom died. I am very lonely and sad. I slept until 8:45 this morning. Something I haven't done in years. I woke up with a feeling that there is nothing left for me. There is a heaviness in my heart. I miss her more than anyone will every know. Oh mama..where are you???


Are you talking to others? Are you working or getting out any? There is plenty left for you, and I'm sure your mama would tell you that. How do you feel at this point when you try to picture her offering you advice? Does it make you sadder?


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I get out a lot. I also belong to a grief support group. The problem is that mom was my life partner. Without her to travel with, talk to, yell at :D it just doesn't seem worth it anymore. I am sorry I am such a downer now, but it has only been three months.

I am also unemployed going on over 2 years. I am 55 and over educated so I have been told that I may never find a job. I wish mom were here. She would know what to do.


Are you talking to others? Are you working or getting out any? There is plenty left for you, and I'm sure your mama would tell you that. How do you feel at this point when you try to picture her offering you advice? Does it make you sadder?


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