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My baby is gone

Pooh's Mom

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Pooh's Mom

I put my cat of 18.5 years, Pooh, down on May 5. She'd been struggling with kidney and thyroid disease for 3 years but with a really good vet everything was under control. Then she just suddenly stopped eating. She wouldn't even eat her favorite deli turkey meat. I had a week with her before I put her down. She was so loving and affectionate during that time. It's like she knew out time was limited. I think she did she was very wise. And now she's gone and I can't sleep and I don't know when I'm going to feel better. She was always there--always. She was always so patient with me. When I left her alone for 12 hours a day when I was in law school she never complained or acted out. Just waited for me at the door every night. Everytime we moved, either by car or plane, she just went to sleep in her carrier and waited for me to put her down and let her out. Then she'd go exploring like it was no big deal. She was always very social and she liked people. She always had her tail up and wanted to be with people. But she always came back to me. She was a little stray who showed up at my office in NY in 1995. Her timing was impeccable. She showed up the day before I moved to a new place where I could have a cat. She had been on the street and had really bad worms but we took care of that. She had been with people and hadn't been mistreated because she wasn't afraid of people and was very well adjusted. Everyone who ever met Pooh loved her. She was just that way. She was an all black short hair kitty--very beautiful in her prime. She only weighed 4.8 pounds at the end, but she was still spunky.

I just so wish she had passed away in her sleep. I can't get over the thought that I killed my baby. Intellectually I know it was time--she had made her decision and I know she was starving and not getting her medicine. But I just can't get passed it. I don't wan't to wash my bedsheets because there is still the spot where she slept and it has her fur on it. Stupid, I know. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this. She was always there for me. When no one else was, I could always count on her. She put up with so much and gave me so much and never complained. People keep telling me she had a good life. I don't care--it wasn't long enough. I'm just so lost.

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I'm so sorry. Black cats hold a special place in my heart. I've had two. It's so hard to lose your companion especially when you have been together so long. I hope you find comfort that she no longer is suffering.

Hugs. Diane

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I have two black cats now, and years ago, I lost a black and white cat, Emmy, whom was my faithful friend and companion for 15 years.


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what a wonderful, heartwarming post. I think people like you are very special. Anyone who can love an animal as you obviously do and attribute all those qualities to that animal is painting a self-portrait. You have all those sweet and loving attributes you described in your pet, or else you would not so readily recognize them or appreciate them in your cat. I lost a Yorkie 2 years ago, who was 17. I too had to have her put down, and until I did, I had no idea of the depth of love I had for this little animal. I mourned her loss exactly as I would have for another human being. She had been my friend, my confidant, and yes, even my support system in time of need. She represented much, much more to me than just "a dog" (as insensitive people referred to her)......she took the place and filled empty spaces in my life many times. When my father died, she comforted me, when I was blue, she comforted me......through many years, she was there. I understand your pain. I also know that it will fade, and you will love another animal (there is some lucky animal that needs you). I now have another dog, and although, like people, one does not replace another, this one is beautiful and sweet and very loving. My heart healed from my loss, and so will yours. Think what a wonderful life you gave this little cat, how lucky she was to have such a wonderful "mommie" who loved and cared for her ..... you were both blessed. God bless you.

I put my cat of 18.5 years, Pooh, down on May 5. She'd been struggling with kidney and thyroid disease for 3 years but with a really good vet everything was under control. Then she just suddenly stopped eating. She wouldn't even eat her favorite deli turkey meat. I had a week with her before I put her down. She was so loving and affectionate during that time. It's like she knew out time was limited. I think she did she was very wise. And now she's gone and I can't sleep and I don't know when I'm going to feel better. She was always there--always. She was always so patient with me. When I left her alone for 12 hours a day when I was in law school she never complained or acted out. Just waited for me at the door every night. Everytime we moved, either by car or plane, she just went to sleep in her carrier and waited for me to put her down and let her out. Then she'd go exploring like it was no big deal. She was always very social and she liked people. She always had her tail up and wanted to be with people. But she always came back to me. She was a little stray who showed up at my office in NY in 1995. Her timing was impeccable. She showed up the day before I moved to a new place where I could have a cat. She had been on the street and had really bad worms but we took care of that. She had been with people and hadn't been mistreated because she wasn't afraid of people and was very well adjusted. Everyone who ever met Pooh loved her. She was just that way. She was an all black short hair kitty--very beautiful in her prime. She only weighed 4.8 pounds at the end, but she was still spunky.

I just so wish she had passed away in her sleep. I can't get over the thought that I killed my baby. Intellectually I know it was time--she had made her decision and I know she was starving and not getting her medicine. But I just can't get passed it. I don't wan't to wash my bedsheets because there is still the spot where she slept and it has her fur on it. Stupid, I know. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this. She was always there for me. When no one else was, I could always count on her. She put up with so much and gave me so much and never complained. People keep telling me she had a good life. I don't care--it wasn't long enough. I'm just so lost.

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what a wonderful, heartwarming post. I think people like you are very special. Anyone who can love an animal as you obviously do and attribute all those qualities to that animal is painting a self-portrait. You have all those sweet and loving attributes you described in your pet, or else you would not so readily recognize them or appreciate them in your cat. I lost a Yorkie 2 years ago, who was 17. I too had to have her put down, and until I did, I had no idea of the depth of love I had for this little animal. I mourned her loss exactly as I would have for another human being. She had been my friend, my confidant, and yes, even my support system in time of need. She represented much, much more to me than just "a dog" (as insensitive people referred to her)......she took the place and filled empty spaces in my life many times. When my father died, she comforted me, when I was blue, she comforted me......through many years, she was there. I understand your pain. I also know that it will fade, and you will love another animal (there is some lucky animal that needs you). I now have another dog, and although, like people, one does not replace another, this one is beautiful and sweet and very loving. My heart healed from my loss, and so will yours. Think what a wonderful life you gave this little cat, how lucky she was to have such a wonderful "mommie" who loved and cared for her ..... you were both blessed. God bless you.

I put my cat of 18.5 years, Pooh, down on May 5. She'd been struggling with kidney and thyroid disease for 3 years but with a really good vet everything was under control. Then she just suddenly stopped eating. She wouldn't even eat her favorite deli turkey meat. I had a week with her before I put her down. She was so loving and affectionate during that time. It's like she knew out time was limited. I think she did she was very wise. And now she's gone and I can't sleep and I don't know when I'm going to feel better. She was always there--always. She was always so patient with me. When I left her alone for 12 hours a day when I was in law school she never complained or acted out. Just waited for me at the door every night. Everytime we moved, either by car or plane, she just went to sleep in her carrier and waited for me to put her down and let her out. Then she'd go exploring like it was no big deal. She was always very social and she liked people. She always had her tail up and wanted to be with people. But she always came back to me. She was a little stray who showed up at my office in NY in 1995. Her timing was impeccable. She showed up the day before I moved to a new place where I could have a cat. She had been on the street and had really bad worms but we took care of that. She had been with people and hadn't been mistreated because she wasn't afraid of people and was very well adjusted. Everyone who ever met Pooh loved her. She was just that way. She was an all black short hair kitty--very beautiful in her prime. She only weighed 4.8 pounds at the end, but she was still spunky.

I just so wish she had passed away in her sleep. I can't get over the thought that I killed my baby. Intellectually I know it was time--she had made her decision and I know she was starving and not getting her medicine. But I just can't get passed it. I don't wan't to wash my bedsheets because there is still the spot where she slept and it has her fur on it. Stupid, I know. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this. She was always there for me. When no one else was, I could always count on her. She put up with so much and gave me so much and never complained. People keep telling me she had a good life. I don't care--it wasn't long enough. I'm just so lost.

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