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Forum Conduct & Guidelines Document ×

Ground rules for this section of the site - PLS READ THIS NOW


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Fortunately, most people here have been respectful of each other, but we still get the occasional person who considers that an optional approach. It is not, so for the record:  

As Bill and Ted would put it, basically "be excellent to one another." :)  Common sense, really. Be courteous and if necessary, agree to disagree without getting in a snit or making snide remarks. In short, be an adult. People are entitled to their beliefs, but are not entitled to tell others what their beliefs should be or be disrespectful of them. Any such posts (and if necessary, people) will be removed. This is a very (very) sensitive topic, so keep these things in mind. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or KayC or one of the Admins (Kelly and Elyse).  Thanks! 

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