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What positive can you list today?


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My positives for today are that I had a nice day volunteering at the animal shelter and I also signed up to volunteer at the local food bank and the local charity chlothes store too. Also, I went for a nice bike ride with my dog.

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I just ordered the book "Different After You" (on Amazon) recommended by ThereIsAField. Looking forward to receiving it and reading it.

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Iris is having me over for my birthday, kind of for both of us since hers is the 18th.  Her present won't arrive until the 20th but I'll save it until she gets back since she's leaving the 19th for three weeks.  Think Kodie can survive?  :D
I'm fixing dessert...Avocado Brownies. 

Edit: well they didn't set up so I made Keto Chocolate Mug Cake with SF Choc. Syrup on top!

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I had the first really nice day in ages... In the middle of my grieving journey, I went into menopause and the hormonal madness has been awful for me... I've gone on hormone replacement therapy, because I was in such a terrible state, both mentally, psychologically and physically. My HRT got adjusted last week and it seems we've finally found just the right level and I feel sooooo much better now! I'm so very grateful just to feel "normal" because I haven't in such a long time. It's amazing what some out-of-whack chemicals in your system can do to make you feel like you've been through the wringer.

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12 minutes ago, ThereIsAField said:

It's amazing what some out-of-whack chemicals in your system can do to make you feel like you've been through the wringer.

Just my opinion, but I've always felt that mental pain is always worse than physical pain (yes, even with having to deal with sciatica!)

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4 hours ago, RichS said:

I just ordered the book "Different After You" (on Amazon) recommended by ThereIsAField. Looking forward to receiving it and reading it.

I hope you find it as helpful as I did. I'd be interest to hear what you think of it.
I found some chapters very soothing and others very challenging - but in a way that I needed to be challenged.

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Well I pulled that book out of the stack, ThereIsAField, read the parts I'd underlined.  

like, "we must consider how trauma has shifted not only future possibilities, but also many of our preferences, passions, and priorities."  I'd underlined that.  But whatever preferences, passions, and priorities I've shifted, I'm still living day to day, I guess one thing I'm really really glad for, is that I CAN still do this, in this relatively safe place my husband and I set up, built, saved for, put together over time.  There are "electrical" things he put together around here, that I'm grateful for.  He had wanted a red bulb for a lamp he'd chosen at a garage sale for our bedroom ... I'd bought an LED bulb at Wally-World, and since he died that lamp has been on constantly (16 months now!), (except for power outages), and I still look at it and am glad for it every night when I go to bed, and I say "I love you, Steve," partly because it reminds me of him.  

If my preferences, passions, and priorities have shifted, partly they're just toward safety and security, and away from "doing fun things."  More toward contemplation, and less toward action.  

I have always been the cook in our little family, and enjoy baking.  I've started making the 18-hour Lahey bread recipe, because it's so easy!  and using the dough, divided into thirds, to make things I don't have ... like pizza (rural area, no delivery) (plus now, no car!), "laminated dough," (crunchy and flaky) for pastries, and again, if my passions have shifted, I still have this moderate passion for baking, and now I can use any flavor combo I feel like using, because I'm the only one who will eat it!  And I've also realized that having delicious baked or otherwise, food, is worthwhile.  For me.  I intended to go back to keto when it got cold, but it's getting cold, and I'm holding onto the carbs!  hahahahaha!   But still avoiding sugar and only using a tiny bit of it along with powdered stevia for sweetness.  

So for today, I could mow the acres of grass, OR I could laminate some dough and put together a pastry ... and I'm planning on using prunes, chocolate, and (homemade) almond paste ... I guess that's my positive for today.  The grass ... can wait.   

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and going into emails and looking at today's news, oh I don't mean to seem unfeeling.    and yeah, life HERE goes on (appreciate the positive!)  ... but the events in the news lately?  (y'all know what events, too, of course!) GRIEVING.             SO much grieving.         and that's one of the things I now relate to far more, not the hate (highly perceivable), but the grieving.        

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This is the easiest pizza recipe I've ever made:

Keto Pizza-Dr Berg


·        2 cups finely grated cauliflower (6)

·        2 cups shaved mozzarella cheese, plus extra for topping (5)

·        2 large eggs (1)

·        Tomato sauce ½ cup (1)

·        Pizza toppings of your choice


1.      Pre-heat oven or air fryer to 450°F. Cut parchment paper to match the size and shape of your pizza pan. Using parchment paper is the best way to prevent your crust from sticking to the baking surface.

2.      Use food processor to “grate” the cauliflower until evenly “riced.”

3.      Mix together cauliflower, mozzarella cheese, and two eggs until well-combined. At this point, it may not look like it could possibly turn into pizza crust, but it will bake to a thin, crunchy, flexible crust–just watch!

4.      Place the cauliflower mixture at the center of the parchment paper on the pizza pan. Spread the mixture thinly but evenly throughout up to the edges of the pan.

5.      Bake/air fry crust at 450°F for 15 minutes.

6.      Assemble the rest of your toppings. Place ½ cup of low carb marinara sauce at the center of your crust and spread it out nearly to the edge.

7.      Top the food with mozzarella cheese, followed by mushrooms, spinach, olives, Italian dry salami, mozzarella & cheddar, and after baked, add fresh tomato slices.

8.       Return it to the oven and bake until the cheese is evenly melted  5 min. and just beginning to turn golden on the surface.

1/8 pizza 1.625 net carbs + toppings

Dr. Berg's Famous Healthy Pizza (That Actually Tastes Great) [INFOGRAPHIC] | Dr.Berg Blog



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On 10/3/2023 at 6:30 PM, Gator M said:

I went to my bereavement group las night...very good topic.  

I'm wondering what happened to Gator? This seems to have been his last post nine days ago. Are you okay, Gator?

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Gail, that is great news!!  I am so glad to hear it.

My positive is someone from my Bible Study group called me about a recipe as she wanted to make it to celebrate my bdy, good thing she did as 1/16 of the pie is 6 carbs, much more than I can spend on a dessert as I stay under 20/day including my homemade creamer for my coffee.  She's going to make a mug cake that is 3.7, I thought it was so sweet of her to try to cater to my dietary needs!  She is super sweet that way.

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My positive for today : i had a nice lunch with my ex collegues...we have more pleasure to be together now than when we worked together! Maybe it's not surprising 'cos now that we are all retired we are more relaxed...a lot of laugh remembered the old times!!😂

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My Darlin's favorite nephew called today to offer to take care of the house we still have for sale down south, mow the yard, check on everything, hang the chandelier we bought to replace the one we brought with us when we moved into our new home August 1. That is such a relief!

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That is great news!  Iris sent dinner home with me, so that's my positive today!

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A neighbor knocked on my door this morning and invited me to bring my coffee, my solar glasses, and come sit on their driveway to watch the eclipse. There were others in the neighborhood there as well. It's a 55+ community so lots of widows and widowers. They understand. Today there were three widows, counting me, and one widower. We sat and talked about other things besides our grief, but did reminisce on happy memories of our loved ones, while we watched the sun through our solar glasses. It was uplifting, and the kind of camaraderie I needed today. My Ol' Darlin' was so looking forward to this eclipse. 

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Iris invited me out last night and I went, gone 6:30-9:30, late for me, slept 10-4 but drug my feet getting up. :D

There were three ladies playing/singing, amazing harmony, did a great job!  Good to get out sometimes. Funny, I tend to retreat and Iris is ALWAYS social!

Considering selling my truck that I never drive because of the gas mileage and it needs some work now, gas is bad, needs oil change, registration due in a month, paying ins. for nothing...have someone interested, well I couldn't find the title.  I have never lost a title in my life!  I looked through title file, truck file, in truck, went through briefcases, etc.  Finally it hit me!  Sure enough, in my evacuation briefcase!  Whew, didn't want to have to apply for lost title.  Now to see if the person gets back to me...

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46 minutes ago, KayC said:

, one less thing to take care of and pay for, feels a huge relief.

Sometimes, addition by subtraction makes our lives easier. Or else, why would garage/yard sales exist?

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That is great news, DMB!  I'm so glad for you.  I get melanomas...a lot, my dad's skin cancer treatment (radiation all over his back) is what brought on his fatal heart attack at 62.  When people say to me, "Well, it's JUST skin cancer!" I want to give them a tongue lashing (and often do) but I know you don't cure ignorance that easily...usually they're thinking, "I wonder what set HER off!"

Going in Thursday for exam...praying it's clear.  Usually they remove something and I have to wait for the results, the waiting always makes me nervous.

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I went through pretty much similar when I had my gallbladder out, no word from the kids or siblings, only one I heard from was my friend Anne from my other grief group. My ride was supposed to help me, he didn''t, I had to load my wood stove (It was 12/23) and the church was to bring my meals. They had a list of what I couldn't eat.  They sent chicken pot pie which had fat in it and I wasn't supposed to eat it but when it's all you have, you eat it.  Everything they'd told me before I prepared food and froze...differed from the list they discharged me with, couldn't eat it.  The rest of the week, no one came through for me.  My son came to "visit" with his wife a week later, she was horrid to me, no help.  It was hard getting up/down from the recliner or toilet.

I am so sorry you are going through this alone!  It's so hard when the one we could always count on...is no longer here.  :wub:

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Took Kodie for his last play date with Jazzy...she was at the groomer's. Iris called on her way home, I'd just had dinner, went down there and Iris left to her friend's for her bdy dinner, Jazzy didn't want to play so I had to kennel her, she was looking for her mom, broke my heart.  She said Jazzy ties her down, whereas Kodie is my world.  Can't believe we won't see Jazzy for 3 1/2 weeks, going across the country in car.

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Yesterday when we went grocery shopping, the bill seemed high to me. Sure enough, when I looked at the register receipt, I discovered that the checkout clerk charged us for 33 gallons of iced tea, rather than just 3. At $3.69 a gallon, that amounts to over $100! We'll get it corrected today.

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I guess she thought you really liked iced tea and would be back :) I almost always self -check out. I'm much faster than they are.


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1 minute ago, widower2 said:

I almost always self -check out. I'm much faster than they are.

AND MORE ACCURATE.................

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Finished cleaning out her refrigerator and putting the dishes away, took the vegetables to her compost pile, weren't good.  Kodie ate some of the creamed corn, doesn't look like it set well with him, hopefully he'll be better tomorrow.  Got an extra walk in as it aids digestion. ;)


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2 hours ago, RichS said:

The prep work is worse than the procedure!!!

Easily! I saw those instructions and I felt like I was preparing for a moon launch. No eating is bad enough but drinking that swill?? ugh! I cut it with ginger ale to make it drinkable. 

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