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missing dad, missing everything


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I am so sorry for what life has dealt you. It does not sound like it has been easy and to have your father die on top of all that must be hard to take. The feelings you are going through are completely normal. Remember you are not alone. We are here. Is there a grief support group available at the hospital or a church. I encourage you to attend one. Is there a counseling center at the university you are attending? I think you would benefit in talking about your feelings.

Keep writing. I would like to keep track of you. Blessings,


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tractorman daughter

I understand. I had to bury my dad too early in life as well. I also thought he was the only person who understood me. I wasn't as young as you, but it was too young for me anyways. Your father would be proud of you for continuing school and doing the best you can to achieve your goals. My dad died two years ago also and the greif is still around. I cant talk to my mother about it. I talk to certain friends, but mostly keep it inside untill now. I'm hoping this forum helps.

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Im so sorry about your dad, my mom was from scotland and i lost her 6 months ago, thought my world had ended. It is 6 months now and i am getting better. It takes time and patience. I will pray for healing and comfort for you.

I will also pray you do ok at the university. I am planning on coming over to the UK in sept to see where my mom was raised. I am excited about it.

Please seek help if you need it, time helps to ease the pain and lessen it but you will always miss him if you were close. Keep busy and keep positive people in your life.

Best regards for healing. Deb

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