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Elderly mom loses her son


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Well, I have struggled for 5 years after the death of my son....now my mother, age 74, just lost her only son, age 53. My mother has Emphaziema and COPD. W She struggles to breathe but isn't on oxygen yet. She has been through so much already. 13 months ago her best friend (her Dog) past away, then her husband of 51 years (my father) I am so worried about her. She already has anxiety, and at times and without realizing it, when she stands she has to sway back and forth. When she sits, she rocks back and forth Yester she stood in front of me swaying and her fingers were moving life she was using a typewriter. Her expression was fear and panic. I was much younger when my sweet son died..but my Mom.....I'm so afraid she will die of a Broken Heart.....What can I do????? Theresa

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Hello Theresa Welcome to Beyond Indigo

I am sorry for the loss of your precious child and of your brother. I suggest that both you and your mom would benefit from posting here and connecting with others who have experienced the greatest loss a parent can be expected to endure. Listening to your mom and sharing your deep pain at the loss of your child will also be helpful. I lost mu only child Stephen 5 years ago this month and the pain has gone deeper and I know that any recovery I have achieved is the result of posting to this message board and listening to others who are walking with the same pain

When you are able,you could also post a picture album in the Gallery and visit there as well. All helpful activities to remember. You are not alone

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You and your mother are not alone. God bless and keep you as you travel this journey. Lifting up prayers for you.

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