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For Christina


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Well, baby, we made it past the 5 month mark. It still doesn't seem possible sometimes, and at others, like it is so much longer since you left.

The Disney trip is all planned. I remember when we all talked about doing this. You are still coming, you know...we are taking your picture along with us, and it will remind all of us that you are still here.

I miss you every day, and not an hour goes by when I don't remember your sweet face and smile. I am so longing for the day when I am with you again, and I will know it is forever!


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Well, baby, we made it past the 5 month mark. It still doesn't seem possible sometimes, and at others, like it is so much longer since you left.

The Disney trip is all planned. I remember when we all talked about doing this. You are still coming, you know...we are taking your picture along with us, and it will remind all of us that you are still here.

I miss you every day, and not an hour goes by when I don't remember your sweet face and smile. I am so longing for the day when I am with you again, and I will know it is forever!


Oh Robyn, that was just so beautiful . Thank you for sharing that with us. Tears flowing...but tears of pride and love. I am certain that Christina will be along with all of you on your trip. Take care.


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