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Sad memories


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In the begining it's very hard, but the good ones come in time. You will find in time the memories will make you smile or even laugh. Just takes time. Hugs and prayers. Vivian-Kevin"s Mom

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I have lots of memories. Some sad some happy. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry. Usually just someone mentioning my mom brings tears to my eyes. It has been over 4 months for me.

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In the very beginning, all I could focus on was the sad. As each day has passed and the more I've talked with others, the happier memories are flooding back. I still have instances of the sad ones, but it is getting easier to "shove" a happy memory over the sad one when I am not in a place to let the sad be felt.

I hope you can find some good memories to focus on.

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I get the sad memories more than the happy. It's been 15 weeks today since my Mom passed. I often see hospital images and that is very very hard. I try to put pictures all over and I try to remember the days I took them and how happy Mom was with my kids and the fun things we did. It's hard though I know what your going through. I am hoping it gets easier with time but right now it's so hard to cope. I will be praying for you.

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