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Deceased Relatives FB account being hacked


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My Mother in Laws daughter has been using her facebook account and email and anything else that she can use, since she passed.

Some of the family members think that myself and my husband should just let it go, that it's trivial, let her do what she needs to, to feel better.

However the issue is, she is not a nice person. We have had to cut all ties with her. We had to have the electric shut off. We are having to be the bad guys, because she is 24 and has never worked a job, sleeps all day & refuses to do anything with her life.

We reported the usage of the facebook account and it was suppose to be "memorialized" after getting repeated requests from my deceased Mil. it is difficult to grieve when you open up your Fb account and unexpectedly see requests from a deceased person.. It kind of shocks you.

Of course 3 wks. later Fb never followed through, even though they list it as illegal activity to do that etc. & the daughter blocked both myself & my husband from the mothers page, which had become a memorial.

I know part of it seems so trivial and petty. Yet on the other hand, it is very hurtful.

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