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Wish You Were Here


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Pete, it's been almost two months since you left me so suddenly, and I am still walking around in a daze. I miss you so much and not a day goes by that I don't stop and think about you. I am so lost without you. You were my best friend. I miss talking to you and I miss your hugs, I just really wish you were here. I keep thinking about the last few days you were here with me how you would just sit and stare at me, I did not know at that time that you knew you were going to have to leave us. Some day, you and I will be together again.

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I will pray for your comfort and healing.

I hope you can soon get to a fond remembrance of your true love without the hurt or pain, but don't feel the need to rush it.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Hoping you can find comfort in family/friends and memories of better times.

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Wish you here is constantly in my mind. I listen to Pink Floyd song all the time. Its been almost a year and half and feel I have come nowhere close to move over. Jon I think of you constantly. I sometimes want to join you. There is no way to explain what we had. Guilt and deep shame marks days

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I'm very sorry for you as well Leesa. I know it's easier said than done (believe me) but try not to beat yourself up; it's not fair and what you're going through is hard enough as it is.

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Pete, it's been almost two months since you left me so suddenly, and I am still walking around in a daze. I miss you so much and not a day goes by that I don't stop and think about you. I am so lost without you. You were my best friend. I miss talking to you and I miss your hugs, I just really wish you were here. I keep thinking about the last few days you were here with me how you would just sit and stare at me, I did not know at that time that you knew you were going to have to leave us. Some day, you and I will be together again.

I am so sorry,i do know your pain,.My wife died suddenly just over three weeks ago and it cuts deep and hurts so bad,i went to the Doctor and the meds just help me sleep thats all,the memories,and whys,i am seeking answers in spirituality,reading about NDE experiences anything to find hope i may touch her again some day,so sad and dark grief is..Blessings to you.

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