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My Bella


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It’s been 7 months since I lost my cat Bella. I took her to the vet clinic for diarrhea and they had to keep her for 3 days. When I got her back, a week later I discovered that she contacted fleas. My Bella never leave my room I think she got it from the clinic,anyway we took care of the fleas but later on she started getting very sick. Fever ,vomiting and diarrhea again . My Bella was very naughty and energetic, she could jump up very high .She was the clown and joy of the house. After that she was diagnosed with mycoplasma.🥹🥹 giving her the medicine was a torture itself. She was in agony and never got better a week later she died .She was only 16 month old .I miss her hugging and kissing .I really miss her o much

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Oh no I am so sorry. How awful. I know how hard it is to lose a cat. I lost mine 5 yrs ago, very suddenly and it was horrific and painful for my cat. So, I understand. It's not fair. 

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I’m so very sorry you lost your sweet Bella. I know you gave her all your love and every bit of your heart. That matters so much to her, even though it means your heart is broken now.

You have found a good place to be with members who truly understand the painful grief you are going through.

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I am beyond sad for you, I know your grief is immense and you are missing her.  I don't understand how a young animal like that could die so quickly, I'd be wanting answers from the vet where she got the fleas and treatment!  Something isn't right about this!  My heart goes out to you in your loss. :(

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers


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